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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ! CTXOM DATE: W 0 8/9 3 <br />ITEM Ro.: V- 7 <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda section: <br />Reports and Recommendations <br />Item Description: consideration of easement for MWCC interceptor.over <br />Fernwood Avenue, county Road c to Woodhill Avenue <br />Background: In conjunction with the construction of the John Rose <br />Minnesota oval, the council will recall discussing the vacation 6f <br />Fernwood Avenue and the need to retain an easement over the interceptor <br />sewer currently owned by MWCC. At the time of the vacation proceedings, <br />the council took action to vacate the Fernwood Avenue right -o f -way and <br />approve an agreement with the MWCC for maintenance, repair, and <br />operation of the MWCC interceptors A copy of the signed agreement is <br />attached for council information. <br />In conjunction with the agreement, a separate easement was required to <br />be prepared and signed by the City of Roseville and MWCC for <br />preservation of necessary permanent easement rights for the sanitary <br />sewer interceptor across Fernwood Avenues The draft easement has been <br />prepared by MWCC staff and is being sent to us for our review and <br />approval. <br />policy objective: Following past practice, easements need council <br />approval prior to their execution. This matter was previously discussed <br />at length with the council regarding the John Rose Minnesota Oval <br />project and the need to vacate to Fernwood Avenue. <br />Financial implication: There will be no cost for the granting of this <br />easement. once the easement has been reviewed and approved by the city <br />council and attorney, the document can be recorded. <br />RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTIONS <br />Approval of easement between the City of Roseville and MWCC for sanitary <br />sewer and authorization for appropriate city officials to execute the <br />easement on behalf of the City# <br />