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Department Approval: <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Manager Reviewed: <br />: <br />DATE: 1/14/93 <br />ITEM No: "F I <br />Agenda Section: <br />Item Description: Approval of contract for engineering services between <br />the city and BRA for design of Minnesota Oval .e <br />termination of BRW master contract for design services <br />BACKGROUND <br />At the work session on December 21, 1992, staff discussed with the coun- <br />cil the results of our trip to Sweden and review of ice facilities in <br />North America. As a result of our investigation, we concluded that <br />unique technology exists in Europe for design and construction of ice <br />facilities. <br />The scope of the project for the design of the Minnesota OVAL has changed <br />significantly since the original authorization to proceed. The original <br />contract included design of a substantial }wilding for users and also <br />significant public space. Also, the project involved a master plan <br />examining future recreational facility needs. In addition, design of the <br />ice system was focused on available technology currently used in North <br />kmerica * Based on new information regarding ice refrigeration systems in <br />imilar facilities in Europe, it appears that several design changes will <br />occur. These would include different technology for pipe installation, <br />different sub soil sections and the inclusion of a free standing building <br />to house the compressor equipment and 'for storage for the ice resurfacing <br />equipment. Because of this and other design changes, and the uncertainty <br />of the amount of funds to be available for the arena building project <br />until the project is bid, the scope of the project has changed signifi- <br />cantly. <br />Currently , the city has a contract with BRW, Inc. as the prince consult - <br />ant for this project. BRW has sub consultant arrangements with ICE for <br />the design of the ice system and T DA for sports architecture and design <br />of the lighting system. <br />As a result of these <br />changes in scope in the project, <br />staff believes that <br />it is in -the city's <br />best <br />interest to terminate the <br />BRW raster contract <br />and renegotiate individual <br />contracts with engineering <br />architectural firms <br />as necessary. This <br />will <br />allow for a redefinition <br />of design services <br />based on our current <br />needs <br />and proposed program. <br />We have discussed this proposed termination with BRW. They agree that it <br />would be in both parties bast interest to terminate the current master <br />agreement between the city and BRW for design services. The termination <br />would be an amiable one and mutually agreed to by both parties. <br />1 <br />