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I Extract from Draft Planning Commission Minutes of December 3, 2003 meeting: <br />2 <br />3 6b. Plan nine File 3541: Request by Dan Norris for a Variance to Section 1004.02D4 <br />4 (Corner Lot Setback), Section 1004.02DS (Dwelling Dimensions — bear Yard <br />5 Setback), and Section 602.06 (Parking in Boulevard Prohibited) to allow the <br />6 construction of a 26 foot by 60 foot (1,560 sq. ft.) attached garage on property <br />7 located at 1547 Sextant Avenue. <br />8 <br />9 Chair Mulder opened the hearing and requested City Planning Thomas Paschke to present verbal <br />summary of the staff report dated December 3, 2003. He explained that the house was built in <br />1 954 on a 1 5,000 s. f : lot. In 1988 two cul-de-sacs were connected with a frontage road creating a <br />12 corner lot instead of an interior lot. The setbacks changed to a corner lot. The existing garage <br />13 now does not rneet the corner side yard setback. He explained the proposal and the staff' <br />14 alternative on this site. Staff recommended reduced depth from 26' to 24'. The hardship is that <br />15 the lot became a corner lot because of a city road project. There are other largo garages in the <br />16 neighborhood, some with dual access on streets. Two drives could he constructed to this garage <br />17 or the driveway could be reduced in width. <br />18 <br />19 Member Peper asked Thomas Paschke if the applicant has reviewed staff " proposals (yes). Does <br />20 this proposal eliminate trees along the frontage road (yes). <br />1 <br />Member Traynor asked if the staff" proposal is 4+ stalls (yes). <br />23 <br />24 Chair Mulder asked ghat would the size be if the garage meets the rear setback. what would the <br />5 height be? Is the garage to be Nigher than the house? (no more than one foot). Are the doors 22' <br />26 x 10' doors? (Yes — for an RV storage). <br />7 <br />8 Mcrnber Traynor asked if a variance has been granted for a four -car garage? (Yes). <br />9 <br />30 Mr. Morris explained he runs a siding and window home -based occupation which requires storage <br />31 space for Ford F350 truck, a 24' camper would be stored in the garage_ The doors are 20' wide, <br />32 10' high. Equipment currently stored outdoors would be stored in the garage. Snelling Avenue <br />33 would be Mocked out from the neighborhood by the proposal. Chair Mulder asked if the home <br />34 occupation is legal o} pre - existing). <br />35 <br />36 Member Ipsen asked if the neighbors to the North have concerns? o). <br />37 <br />38 Member Stone asked if a storage shed could be added. Thomas Paschke explained that a shed is <br />39 possible under the Code and that a condition could be added to prohibit such shed. <br />40 <br />41 Member Traynor asked about total height. Mr. Farris responded that height would be similar to <br />42 the house — within a foot. <br />43 <br />44 Member Peper asked what the exterior would be (Same brick material to a 4' height and vinyl <br />45 siding that complements the building). <br />46 <br />47 Mrs. Norris said no windows or supplies are stored, only equipment and vehicles. <br />48 <br />49 Thomas Paschke found that the business only stores vehicle and equipment, but the "paper work" <br />50 is done in the house and meets the criteria of home occupation. <br />51 <br />