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MI E=111(-111101f=� 1113irs-am <br />B achgrou nd <br />The City's current telephone and voicemail systems are approximately eight years old <br />and are at the end of their useful lives. At the direction of the City Council, City staff <br />participated in a joint study with the cities of 1 New Brighton and Shoreview and the North <br />Suburban Communications Commission of phone systems. <br />The Study was conducted by Haigh, Todd & dissociates (HTA) a communications <br />consulting firm. After a month long study, HTA concluded that each jurisdiction install <br />and maintain its own phone system with a common network architecture. This report <br />was presented to the Roseville City Council on April 28, 2003. The Council directed <br />City staff` to proceed with an Internet Protocol (IP) Telephony system. <br />IF telephony is a digital -based system that runs over existing data networks. with IP <br />telephony, voice and data become integrated sharing capabilities and costs. The <br />advantages of the Ili telephony system include: <br />As part of the switch over to IP telephony, staff` was directed to switch the City's phone <br />extensions to a common prefix. The previous system had multiple prefixes including <br />different prefixes within the same department. Also numbers within departments were <br />not arrays assigned sequentially. The result was that it could be difficult for the public <br />and employees to communicate with staff. <br />Network Manager Terre Heiser reserved a bank of numbers with the 792 prefix in the <br />7xxx range. There will be two maim numbers-, 792 -7000 and 792 -ROSE (7673). The <br />new numbers will be put in use on Friday, October 3. The existing numbers will remain <br />active for approximately a year while the City communicates to the public about the <br />change and the public becomes comfortable using the new phone numbers.' This time <br />period is based on the experiences of other cites that have undergone phone number <br />changes in the past few years. <br />Staff contacted other cities about their phone number changes. Gleaning from the other <br />cities corn plans, Roseville staff has developed the following strategies to <br />communicate the phone number changes. <br />