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REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION <br />DATE: 09/15/03 <br />ITEM O: Na. F. <br />Department Approval: City Manager Approval Agenda Section: <br />2M/DPW CONSENT <br />Item Desc iption: <br />Renewal of Ramsey County GIS User Group Joint Powers Agreement <br />(PF3520)o <br />1.0 BACKGROUND: <br />l . l The Ramsey County GIS Users Group is seeping the renewal of its Joint Powers <br />Agreement for the three year period 2003 -2005. Previous agreements have been approved <br />by Council at the July 28, 1997 and January 10, 2000 meetings. The current agreement <br />contains no modifications from the previous agreement. <br />The Ramsey County User Group is an alliance formed in 1995 between public agencies <br />interested in using geographic information systems (GIS) and data that has been created <br />and maintained by Ramsey County. Each member organization adds its own unique data <br />to that supplied by the County as part of the agreement to create a rich and powerful tool <br />to assist to organizational decision - making and day -to -day procedures. The Users Group <br />is seen as a model in the metropolitan area in how units of government can work in <br />collaboration to effectively exchange and utilize GIS data, services and knowledge. <br />2.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />2.1 After review of the agreement by the City Attorney and subsequent approval, staff <br />recommends that the Joint pourers Agreement be signed to enable the City to continue to <br />operate as a Member of the Users Group. <br />3.0 SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />3.1 By motion, Council adopt the Joint Powers Agreement farad authorize the City <br />Manager and Mayor to sign the agreement* <br />Prepared by: David Windle (651-490-2219) <br />Attachments: Joint Powers Agreement, <br />\\ ietorialeonndev\Flannzng Files \3500- 3549\35 l nsey County_ IS —User— Group — .TEA — Renewal F3520 <br />RCA 09 1 5o3.dec <br />PF3 520 — RCA 091503 - Page I of 1 <br />