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UXUO[d MsM� UtXLB4 ti 51 % <br />MEMBERS OF <br />THE EY COUNTY GEO LIC INFORMA INFORM TION SYSTEMS USERS GR 0 UP <br />This JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (Agreement), which shall have an effective date of January 1, 20031 is <br />entered into pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 between <br />body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota and other bodies politic and corporate under the <br />laws of the State of Minnesota for the purposes of forming the Ramsey County Geographic Information System <br />Users Group hereinafter referred to as the Users Group. <br />ARTICLE I# INTENT of THIS AGREEMENT: <br />In 1 995, an alliance was formed between public agencies interested in using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) <br />and data created and maintained by Ramsey County. This agreement is intended to enable those parties who are part <br />of the Users Group to be represented by the Users Group for the purpose's of undertaking negotiations and <br />transactions with Ramsey County and any other body politic. <br />ARTICLE IL DEFINITIONS: <br />Section 1. Members are deemed to be those local units of ` govemment, special pose government units., <br />local agencies and the Ramsey Soil & water Conservation District who have executed this Joint Powers Agreement <br />and have paid fees as provided in Article X <br />Section 2. Paying Affiliates are those county, regional, state and federal agencies, local government <br />organizations with regional jurisdiction, local govermment cooperative org*zations, non - profit organizations and <br />educational institutions with direct or indirect involvement in GIS activities- who have paid fees as provided in <br />Article X. Paying Affiliate membership must be approved by the Board. paying Affiliates are non - voting <br />participants and are not eligible to serge on the Board. <br />Section 3. Non - Paying Afffates are those representatives of county, regional, state and federal agencies, <br />local govertunent organizations with regional jurisdiction, local government cooperative organizations, non - profit <br />organizations and educational institutions with direct or indirect involvement in GIS activities. Private sector <br />entities who are contracted to perform GI - related tasks for a Member can also join as a Non - Paying Affiliate. <br />Regular- Affiliate membership must be approved by the Board.. Nonpaying AffiIiates are nonvoting participants are <br />not eligible to serve on the Board, do not pay membership or fees as described in Article X, and are not entitled to <br />data access and exchange detailed in this agreement. <br />Page One <br />JPA 2003 <br />