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closer to home. Roseville arts p articip ants and audiences have demo • <br />narrated to organr.�ers the need for <br />expanded opportunities, have exhibited a sigificant level of interest in <br />varied aAS exper�ences, and have <br />made a commitment to supporting the arts of all es. <br />Community surveys identify additional needs for residents to connect with the arts. Roseville s fastest <br />growing se�nent of tlxe population are our retired residents in many <br />. +, . y caste, these fobs quickly become <br />isolated from the community without appropriate o�ties for <br />� Fp involvement. <br />Roseville has an expanding minority population that struggles to be ` <br />is �� included into their new communit�r. <br />Rose o M y Colors H is an opportunity for international residents t ` . <br />o exhibit and shy they arty strc <br />expertise and talent with the co=nity at large. <br />Local arts leaders are identified by their efforts to erects artistic opportunities <br />. for themselves other. <br />These leaders are the �ndsvidu.als that have made the Roseville Area Arts <br />Council a reality. These leaders <br />are the artists that nudee inaugural Rose o f lean colors . <br />.. � �- grants program a success. These leaders <br />are the visionaries es and communicators that will engage new leaders to create <br />a vehicle that promotes <br />con munrty -wide access to, and involvement in, arts activities. <br />The Rose of Mang Colors . mini'-grant program will introduce Mists to the <br />Roseville arts con�nnnrty. <br />Artists and participants will be exposed to the Roseville Area Arts Council and encouraged to become <br />actively involved in the organization. Artists and artici ants will be made a <br />� � wee of the current arts focus <br />of Ethnic Exposure, �'a il Involvement and Community Connections and <br />. � � how these efforts improve the <br />quality of life in their cor nurnty. Artists and participants will be encouraged <br />P g to stay coune�ted to the <br />arts in Roseville. <br />Long Term or Significant Benefits <br />Rose of Mang C'olor's will ]gyring v1 sibllity to the viabili o f communi arts ` .. . . <br />ty initiative ecogritron by <br />local governing bodies, access to public spaces, and cooperative support- amon <br />• a p . pp g community service <br />providers are the most valuable contributions a municipality can make to the <br />P tY arts. <br />Rose of Many olors .[l will foster a crate of artistic freedom and continue to <br />build on the strong arts <br />foundation established by the Roseville Area Arts Council and early arts enthusiasts. <br />Project Administrations <br />Raise o, f Many Colors H granting process: <br />I . Organising Teami <br />The charge of this committee is to grow arts in our community. The team will 71 build on �e successful <br />inaugural Rose of Zany Colors rnini -grant series and. develop a re-granting - , . <br />� �' g arts unt�ative that focuses <br />on Ethnic Exposure, Family Involvement and Community Connections_ <br />Tearn members will be selected frorn the area arts comm m and include <br />representatives from <br />Roseville Parks and Recreation, Roseville Parks and Recreation Commission, ' <br />. � sron, Roseville I�u-�an <br />Rights Commission, Roseville Area Arts Council, Roseville Area Schools Community Education, <br />local arts academy, local performing arts community, Rose of Many colors alumni artist. <br />The organizing team will then; <br />a. Lavite artists from the inaugural Rose of Man Colors to sub <br />. � y �t applications for the current <br />series. Alumni artist are eligible for up to fifty percent of the n i ants away <br />. _ � awarded. <br />b. Encourage area artists to submit proposals for consideration. ' <br />' <br />ax a community media <br />resources to solicit a strong sampling of proposals. <br />