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Excerpt of Draft Minutes from August 6 Planning Commission meeting: <br />2 <br />Plannine File 3506: Request by Peter Ohland, 544 Ryan Avenue, for <br />4 Preliminary Plat approval of two lot subdivision of a 2.14 acre parcel at <br />5 the southeast intersection of Ryan Avenue and Dent Street. <br />6 <br />7 Chairman Jim Mulder opened the hearing and rcquested City Planner Thomas <br />8 Paschke to provide summary of the staff written report dated August 6, 2003. <br />9 <br />10 Mr. Paschke advised that Peter and Maureen Ohland were seeking approval of a <br />1 preliminary plat which divides a 2.09 acre "R- Y"' zoned parcel of land into one <br />12 single family lot and outlot ``A ". Lot 1 is 0.53 acres (23,206 st). Dutlot "'A" is <br />13 1.56 acres (67,886 s fl. Both lots meet the city subdivision and zoning <br />requirements. The land is currently owned by members of the extended Ohland <br />15 Family (Dr. Robert and Lorraine Smith). <br />lb <br />17 lair. and Mrs. Ohland propose to construct a single family home on proposed Lot <br />18 1, which is 155" deep by 164' pride. At 23,206 s.f., Lot 1 is over twice the size of <br />19 the minimum required lot size. Dutlot "A"'. with steep slopes to the southeast, will <br />20 remain undeveloped at this time. There is some vegetation along the Dent Street <br />1 right-of-way, most of which will remain in place at this time, but would have to <br />22 be removed for road construction if the remainder of the site was to develop. <br />3 <br />4 The platting process requires right -of -way dedication along Dent Street, in the <br />amount of 27'x 1 5 5 } or 4,185 s. f. It also requires the new lot to dedicate land or <br />26 pay for parr dedication. There is no parr adjacent to this site — the City prefers the <br />7 cash dedication, to be taken up by the Parr Commission in September. <br />9 Based on the information provided and the findings in Section 5 of this project <br />30 report, the Community Development Staff recommends approval of the <br />31 preliminary plat by peter and Maureen Ohland, subject to the following <br />32 conditions; <br />33 <br />34 a. Provision of all necessary utility easements. <br />35 b. Dedication of 27 feet by 164 feet of right-of --way for Kent Street <br />36 C. Review and recommendation by the Parrs and Recreation <br />37 Commission regarding park dedication. (Staff recommends cash <br />38 dedication, which is $1,000 per dwelling unit.) <br />39 d. Meeting all requirements of Capitol Regions Watershed District. <br />40 <br />41 Paul Inman, 520 West Ryan, owns the land to the east. He asked hover surer and <br />42 water would serve the Dutlot. <br />43 <br />44 Maureen Ohland, applicant, proposes a walk out rambler that can accommodate ry� <br />45 parents as well. No other development is proposed. <br />46 <br />