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City Manager's 2004 Budget Recommendations <br />Police would function for a second year without a Deputy police <br />Chief; Administration and the entire City organ i ation would func- <br />tion again without an Assistant City Manager, <br />Finance would function more slowly due to the transfer of an F TE <br />to the License Center. License Center operations would improver <br />Deducing our programming at the Mature Center would be a loss <br />for some school children. Possibly, we can receive even more vol- <br />unteer help from the FORHANC group. Possibly, we can forge a <br />partnership with another agency, such as the Minnesota State <br />Horticultural Society, to help us pay for operating and program <br />costs at the Mature Center. <br />• The Police Department would still operate at full sworn strength <br />(other than the Deputy Police Chiefl. <br />A restricted outdoor season at the OVAL would certainly disappoint <br />speed slaters and some aggressive skate park teenagers, as the <br />closure of the wading pool would disappoint some care-givers and <br />children. Fortunately, there are some ether places to slate and <br />swim.. -..,. Overall, of the roughly 5,000 programs and services the <br />Parks and Recreation Department is proud to sponsor or conduct, <br />approximately 4,900 would still be fully intact and alive. <br />Deducing the number of fire apparatus will trouble some current <br />and former members of the Fire Department, But we will still have <br />lets of apparatus, and on these rare occasions when more appara- <br />tus are needed it is available through mutual aid from ether fire <br />departments. <br />Eliminating some insurance coverage puts us at greater risk if a <br />catastrophe strifes. In nay experience, using reserves to back -stop <br />such a highly unlikely event is a geed and appropriate alternative <br />and a good and appropriate use of reserves. (It is what we did with <br />gnat success in Mesa.) This approach would a ow us to continue <br />to safely invest our reserves and thereby reduce pressure on our <br />tax levy. Yet at the sane time our reserves would be doing "double- <br />duty": they would continue to be an asset earning money and, in <br />addition, we could still liquidate as needed in the unlikely event <br />that a catastrophe strikes. Remember that we still have substantial <br />insurance coverage by paying $200,000 in premiums each year; , <br />I'm net suggesting we go without insurance. I am recommending <br />we rely more on self-insurance (by relying on our own reserves) <br />and less on purchased insurance. we would tap City reserves only <br />1 <br />
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