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The last piece of the current picture is the leave donation progarn that allows current <br />staff to donate some of heir accrued paid leave time to someone on an approved leave of <br />absence to help them stay whole financially. An employee who is approved to participate <br />to this plan is able to have up to 400 hours of paid time donated to there. <br />With regard to potential benefit offerings or changes made to the current package <br />surrounding this issue there are many options. <br />The first option would of course be to change nothing. This method may however, not <br />beep in pace with the changing marketplace or the changing and ever evolving employee <br />population. <br />Secondly, we could tweak current benefits to better cover holes in current leave policy. <br />This would be options such as lowering long term disability eligibility to 30 days versus <br />the current 60 days. Thus, lessening employee risk and stretching out there paid leave <br />time usage. Also, under this option the City could change its procedure to pay the City <br />contribution during granted extended leaves even if the employee is out of paid leave <br />time. This option however, appears to most benefit those that use all of their paid leave <br />time and not allow it to accumulate for emergency purposes. Also, a Stanton group 5 <br />survey conducted by Human Resources shows that this is not how other Cities within our <br />marketplace are handling this situation. I have included this survey as exhibit A for your <br />review. <br />The last option would be to include additions to our current package either as voluntary <br />(employee paid) options, as mandatory (City paid) options, or as a combination of a City <br />paid base and an optional supplemental addition. There are several options in this arena. <br />Two of the options that stand out the most are Long Term Care and Short Tenn <br />Disability. These two options are summarized in the attached documentation labeled <br />exhibit 13, �p D. and-9. <br />Finally, please beep in mind that if the Council wants to move forward with any of these <br />last options a full underwriting process and probably an RF P would need to occur in <br />order to get final costs. Also, the statistics that we have on hand from MN employers <br />(Public & Private) with over 100 employees show that approximately 11 % offer long <br />terra care insurance. It does not say who pays for the benefit. Our Broker's experience <br />has been that most companies that are looping to offer LTC are doing so primarily on a <br />voluntary bads (employee paid). The majority of their clients do however offer employer <br />paid short term disability or long term disability beginning at 30 days to coincide with <br />their PTO policies. I have also included 2003 survey data from the Stanton 5 group on <br />benefit package offerings above and beyond the basic package of Medical and Dental. I <br />have called this exhibit E. Let me know if you have questions or if there are further <br />directives on this issue. Lastly, I would be happy to present this with you to Council if <br />you would like. <br />