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Pre-existing Condition: means having a sickness or physical condition for <br />which you underwent treatment, for which you received medical advice, or for <br />which you had taken medication within 12 months before the effective date of <br />your policy. If the policyholder becomes disabled because of a pre-existing <br />condition, the policy does not Ray for any disability period if it begins during the <br />first 12 months the policy is in force. Any recurrent disability caused by a pre- <br />existing condition will not be covered if it is treated as a continuation of the <br />previous disability. <br />Waiver of Premium Benefit+ means that after you have been totally disabled for <br />more than 90 days (while your policy is in effect), or after the elimination period <br />shown in your policy (whichever is greater), we will waive the premium for as <br />long as you remain totally disabled. The prerniurn will be waived up to the <br />maximum benefits period shown in your policy. <br />There is not limit to the number of times you can receive the waiver of Premium <br />benefit. This Waiver of Premium benefit does not apply to any period that you <br />are totally disabled due to an accident or condition which is excluded by name or <br />specific description in the policy. <br />Recurrent Disability: means your becoming disabled, ceasing to be disabled, <br />then becoming disabled again for the same or related condition_ The latter <br />disability will be considered a recurrent disability. A recurrent disability will be <br />treated as a continuation of the previous disability, not a new dtsa bil ity, if you <br />have returned to work for less than six months. <br />Worldwide Coverage: means policyholders that become totally disabled by a <br />covered accident or covered sickness while outside the covered geographical <br />areas, (over 40 miles outside the territorial limits of the United States, Canada, <br />Mexico, Puerto Dice, the Bahama Islands, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda or <br />Jamaica), and are disabled for longer than the elimination period will be eligible <br />to receive benefits. Limitations apply. <br />Benefits will not be paid for losses which are caused by or occur as the result of: <br />• Involvement in any period of armed conflict. <br />• Riding ng in or driving any motor - driven vehicle in an organized race, stunt shover <br />or speed test. <br />• Operating, learning to operate or serving as a crew member of any aircraft,; <br />including those which are not motor driven. This does not include flying as a <br />fare - paying passenger. <br />• Participating or attempting to participate in a felony or an illegal job or activity. <br />