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1 the off - street parking facilities provided by uses specified in subsection 4 <br />below as primarily daytime uses. (zoo5.om2c) <br />3 <br />. For the purposes of this subsection, the following uses are considered as <br />5 primarily daytime uses: Banks, business offices, retail stores, personal service <br />6 shops, household equipment or furniture shops, clothing or shoe repair or <br />7 service shops, manufacturing, wholesale and similar uses. Qoo5.0m2d) <br />g <br />9 5. Conditions Required For Joint Use: <br />a. The building or use for which application is being made to utilize the off- <br />12 street parking facilities provided by another building or use shall be <br />13 located within four hundred feet (400) of such parking facilities. <br />(1005.01E2e(i)) <br />15 <br />16 b. The applicant shall show that there is not substantial conflict in principal <br />17 operating hours of the two (2) buildings or uses for which joint use of off- <br />18 street parking facilities is proposed. (1005.01E2e(2)) <br />19 <br />20 c. A properly drawn legal instrument, executed by the parties concerned for <br />1 joint use of off - street parking facilities, duly approved as to form and <br />manner of execution by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City <br />3 Manager' Qoo5.oiE2e(3)) <br />4 <br />25 Section 1.018.11. Special Parking Provisions or Distriicts <br />26 <br />27 A. Van Pooling Programs; Reduction Of Parking Spaces Required: Where a van <br />37 Section 1018.12# Proof of Parldng Agreement <br />38 <br />9 A. The city Council may grant Proof of Parking Agreements after hearings and <br />40 approvals as a condition of a variance or conditional use permit request or as a <br />41 portion of a Planned Unit Development. such an agreement shall describe the <br />42 required parking and reasons for reducing the parking requirement as well as <br />43 demonstrating that space exists to comply with the most current provisions of the <br />44 city code. Such an agreement shall state that the developer or successors shall be <br />45 responsible for completing parking improvements to meet city code requirements <br />17 <br />