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City of Roseville - City Council Minutes for May 12, 2003 <br />specific criteria from the council to provide adequate requirements during the <br />permitting process. <br />coun ci I member Masch Ira opined that the Public Works and Transportation <br />Commission s uggesfion was a good idea; and suggested the Commission develop <br />criteria, similar to that used by the Planning Commission, for permitting; again <br />addressing the need for overlay maps of each location to male qualified decisions. <br />Mayor I ysylyczyn reviewed the referenced Maplewood City staff report with Public <br />Works Director Schwartz including, contract term; boulevard advertising and policy <br />issues; staff time for evaluating and securing locations, utility locations, inspections, <br />complaints, and potential compensation for this service; maintenance and upkeep <br />timeline criteria; snow storage; and setback criteria. <br />After discussion, Mayor Kysyl yczyn opined that the draft ordinance considered the <br />majority of the concerns addressed by the City of Maplewood, and further stated he <br />was more concerned with the correct vision for the community, rather than the <br />business concerns, and spoke to the public policy issue of accommodating ridership. <br />Rollie Danielson, representing U.S. Bench, came to the podium to speak; and <br />introduced other representatives of his company in the audience: his son Scott <br />Danielson and Len Thiel, Government Liaison. <br />Mr. Danielson expressed his support of co- location of benches and shelters; and <br />alluded to possible rationale in use preference of beaches and shelters; spore to <br />meeting the ridership needs; and the longevity of advertisers on their benches. <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />Mayor I ysylyczyn and Mr. Danielson discussed additional items including, co- location <br />related to demographics and ridership numbers; size of advertising space on benches <br />versus shelters; and potential for achieving short - terra average ridership <br />demographics. <br />No action taken . <br />hq : //ww . ci. roseville /councii/meetings/ inutes/ 00 /rrmO O51 .ht n 7/17/2003 <br />