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10/21/2011 1:08:05 PM
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10/21/2011 12:54:22 PM
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Cons For Removing the Prima <br />1. A disadvantage of removing the primary is that costs cannot be cut ® in half. <br />There are a lot of fixed costs incurred whether there is a primary or not. In an odd <br />year, the city budgets $51,600 for the primary. The variable costs are election <br />judges ($9000411000) and printing of ballots (up to $3720). That totals a <br />savings of $14,720, only 7 %. <br />2. A disadvantage of removing the primary is that depending on the number of <br />candidates that file to run, the city would have to generate 2 election ballots to <br />accommodate all the names (to also include federal, state, and judicial offices for <br />general election years). The city spent $3720 to print ballots in the 1999 general <br />election; if 2 ballots are needed, the cost could be near $6000. <br />3. A disadvantage of removing. the primary, in the event that 2 ballots are <br />required, would be the additional costs to refit the erection equipment to read <br />both ballots. <br />4. A disadvantage of removing the primary at this time is that the decision may <br />not reflect ghat the community wants. l believe citizens are preoccupied, if not <br />overwhelmed, by the current state of affairs: loss of savings, loss of jobs (and <br />health coverage), a stagnant economy, potential loss of sons and daughters due <br />to impending war, bio- chemical survival, terrorist attacks.. _the list goes ors. How <br />can you expect citizens to formulate rational opinions, or any opinion, on the <br />primary when they are under such duress? It is unscrupulous to ask. <br />Process Issues <br />Perhaps these issues can be raised at the council meeting where the primary <br />election decision will be made. <br />1. There is a fundamental flag in the process of stacking up pros versus cons to <br />decide an issue. Each pro and con must be weighted for impact and importance. <br />For example, a pro for brushing your teeth at night is so that you keep your teeth <br />longer. A con is that you could be getting something else done instead of <br />brushing your teeth. This con doesn't held the weight that the pro does. <br />2. If the primary is eliminated, then we propose the instant run-off tally be <br />implemented to protect the wishes of the public. <br />
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