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Pace I of <br />Curti} Carolyn <br />From: Mary Alexander �. Sent: Tuesday. Tuesday, February 25,2003 1:48 PM <br />To: earolyn .eurti <br />Subject: Primary Task Force <br />aroIyii, <br />I ain unable to attend the meeting Thursday night} m thoughts are as follows. <br />s. <br />The only pro for not having a prilllarY election would be to save a little <br />money, the cost of holding the <br />primary if nothing else is on the ballot). However now that the city elections eon Hei <br />de with the state and <br />national, 1 assume the primary would be held during the state and /or national r' <br />S vings zero. <br />� � n� ark, making the <br />� <br />The pro for holding priniary elections is much more important, Having ring <br />� � a � ark election to narrow the <br />field NVould insure that the individuals elected would he elected by a reasonable percentage of the <br />vote. With no Primary, the number of candidates (could be more than 1 0 <br />) on the ballot could result in <br />persons being elected by less than 10% o of the vote. <br />An electloll with no primary gives unfair advantage to the incumbent. Most eo <br />� ple who are uninformed <br />on elections tend to vote for the incumbent. Given that the elections are held <br />at the same time as state <br />n 1 1 at1nl�aI� it is riot Unreasonable to believe that iilfonuation on the city election <br />I-lie other elect' o n will get overlooked, <br />ions (state and national) are more publicized and many believe that the issues on those <br />levels are of greater importance, <br />If r <br />there is a vote taken oil irsday, vote to keep the primary election. <br />Thank your <br />Hilary Alexander <br />STOP MORE PA-M with ille ��e��r 1��� a * <br />- - - -, ,..... and get 2 tr�onths FR-EE* <br />2/2512003 <br />