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F 00 <br />From: <br />, ��1' M�flllnm` !,` Vt{ �IVljil` <br />IyIy �� wwrtrt YYrtrtI�II��I I ,', <br />iriYir iYiY�YiYV�VYi�i�V�ii�li�l�f '��If <br />Sent. Thursday, February 27, 2003 4A5 PM <br />To: carolyn .curti <br />Subject: Prmary Election Task Force <br />N-4 s. Curti , <br />I've signed up for the Primary Election Task Force and will he unable to <br />attend tonight. <br />I would though like to express my concenis. <br />I 'L'im opposed to ellminating the Primary cicctions. Elilnilliltillg the <br />Primaries, though on the surface looking Litlrrrctive as ti money serer* III <br />t11C lor)g 8111 is more costly to (lie city is it allows otherwise weak <br />Cand), ilertes, representing a small self servi rig. group, the cliarlce to <br />,.1ssL1111 power. Allowing minority interest rather than accatintability to <br />the whole community he the grid ing force for the city. <br />Tlie Primary system allows all interested parties to present their hest <br />effort. If tlicy n-ianage to make it through this initial sorting process, <br />the field has been narrowed enough to allow real issues to he argued <br />anion, a few strong candidates. The voters get a real chance to hear what <br />the candidates have to say, and make well considered comparisons. The <br />Winncr- of the general election then could he said to have a tree <br />mandate, representing the people as a whole. That person having won by <br />are actual majority, instead of the most of what was left, <br />Eliminating the Primaries, especially at a time when several offices <br />wi11 be decided, turns the whole affair into a card trick - pick a card, <br />any card, <br />Eliminating the Primaries, especially at this true too, smacks of hack <br />alley politicking. If eliminating the Primaries were actually in the <br />city's best interest, and not a political maneuver, then implementat1011 <br />of the new system should not go into effect until AFTER the next coining <br />electron. Only ill this way would we he stire to eliminate any lint of <br />impropriety. <br />Thank you for forwarding my concerns on to the Task Force. <br />wetzdy .Iedllcka, C.F.P. <br />Roseville} M <br />651-636-0964 <br />