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These remain the only requirements under the current Program. There is no requirement to <br />demonstrate financial need, nor is their any provision that calls for the on -going verification of <br />eligibility status. <br />Assistance programs typically arise out of the desire to achieve outcomes that would not <br />ordinarily occur on their own. In this particular case, it could be argued that certain segments of <br />the population would be unable to afford adequate water and sewer service without the benefit of <br />the discount. To try and determine the validity of this argument, Staff` has analy~Led the 2000 <br />Census information regarding household income. <br />Census 2000 Overview <br />It should be noted that the information presented below and in the attachment is based on a 15% <br />sample of households in Roseville. The 2000 Census provides the following inforniation: <br />C3 4% of households have income below the poverty level (defined as $12,000 annually for a <br />2- person liouseliold). 19% of households have income below $25,000 annually. Statistical <br />information regarding household expenses was not available. <br />a 2% of households are currently receiving public assistance income. This could include <br />federal., state, or local assistance programs. <br />U 31% of households are receiving Social SCCUrity Income at an average of S14,000 annually. <br />C1 21% of households are receiving Retirement Income at an average of 522,000 annually. <br />The Census data suggests that approximately 20-30% o f all households in Roseville are <br />receiving some form of fixed income payments. Although not explicit in the data, it suggests <br />that these same homes are receiving income from multiple sources, that when combined <br />p roduces an average ho useho I i nco rn a rangi ng from S 14,000 -- 3 6,000 ann ual Iy. <br />The Census data indicates that '2% of Roseville households are currently receiving public <br />assistance income. It is feasible that a higher percentage of households are elf ible to receive <br />assistance, but have chosen not to apply. Based on the Census data} that figure is not likely to be <br />any higher than 4 -5 %. <br />Comparison to Other Assistance Programs <br />To offer a comparison witb other assistance programs, Staff` reviewed existing federal, state, and <br />county programs. Under the reviewed programs the typical recipient of ` assi stance must meet the <br />following eligibility requirements: <br />• Household income at or below federal poverty guidelines <br />• Cash or near -cash assets of $3,000 or less. An applicant's primary vehicle and homestead <br />are excluded. <br />