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Options to Revise the Discount F <br />There are several potential options to revise the City's Discount Program. They include., but are <br />net limited to: <br />1 ) Make no changes to the Program <br />?) Establish new eligibility requirements to require fixed income status and demonstrated <br />financial need. - <br />3) Establish new eligibility requirements based only on Financial need, regardless of fixed <br />income status. <br />4) Increase the discount to provide greater assistance <br />5) Maintain the program in some farm and seek administrative support from area Public <br />Assistance Offices. <br />6) Eliminate the Program <br />Some of these options may entail a substantial increase in administrative oversight duties and <br />may not be feasible with current staffing and training levels. If the Council desires to revise the <br />Program i t is recommended that any change take effect no sooner than Januar 1 ?004. This <br />will allow Staff t i rn a to co MMUn i cate the changes to the general public, and to make the <br />necessary administrative changes, <br />Attachments <br />El Applicable US Census 2000 data <br />Counel"I Actl'on Requested <br />Staff is seeking Council direction on revisions to the ity"s Discount Program. <br />