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10/21/2011 3:15:45 PM
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10/21/2011 2:42:11 PM
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Development of the Twin Lakes area began in the 1950s. It developed as a major concentration of <br />over-the- road trucking companies and related businesses because sites were large and inexpensive and <br />the area was accessible to the highway system and close to both downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul. <br />With the federal deregulation of the trucking industry in 1980s, the trucking industry nationwide was <br />dramatically affected, which inevitably affected this portion of Roseville. it has resulted in trucking <br />terminals reducing, moving or consolidating their operations} and in some eases, even going out of <br />business. This in turn affected the businesses that support the trucking activities in the area. Faced <br />with this change and potential deterioration of the area in 1988, the City designated the area as the <br />Twin Fakes Redevelopment Area and created a tax increment financing district to assist with its long - <br />range redevelopment. <br />The City, with the assistance of the consulting firm of Fahlgren, Shardlow and [ ban, developed a <br />land use plan, which called for the redevelopment of the area to provide a variety of office, retail, <br />business and light industrial uses. (Refer to 198$ Twin Lakes Boundary Map). The City submitted it <br />for review by the Metropolitan Council, and the Metropolitan Council asked for additional <br />information concerning retail traffic and its impact on I -35w. At the same time, community survey <br />results indicated that citizens felt that there was no need for more retail development in the City. As a <br />result, the City withdrew its proposed Twin fakes Plan from Metropolitan Council review and <br />determined that there should be additional mixed -use office and light industrial in the area rather than <br />retail. This could be accomplished under the existing Comprehensive Plan and zoning. The City <br />adopted the revised redevelopment plan as part of major Comprehensive Plan amendment approved <br />in 1994. <br />111. Goals and Policies <br />The commercial industrial goals and policies of the City of Roseville are described in Section 3 of the <br />Comprehensive Plan. The broad planning principles that were used in the Twin fakes Renewal <br />Process include the following: <br />1) Create a buffer to protect and enhance the public enjoyment of Langton Lake <br />Protect the residential neighborhoods with less intrusive land uses <br />3) Create a liable environment with a mix of uses <br />4} Create compatibility between uses and building designs <br />5 ) Minimize the impact of commercial traffic onto residential streets; reduce <br />congestion at main intersections <br />6} Clean up soil and groundwater polIutian <br />7) Provide a range of quality jobs <br />0) <br />
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