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10/21/2011 3:15:45 PM
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10/21/2011 2:42:11 PM
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8) Diversify tax base <br />9) Provide a flexible land use plan <br />Locate uses in areas where they can best take advantage of necessary market <br />forces <br />In addition, the plan embodies the following policies: <br />l The City encourages office and office-high tech assembly, and medical and biotech <br />uses where they have immediate access to County Roads and the freeway. <br />2) The City encourages limited, integrated of mixed -use ``support" retai !, restaurant and <br />lodging uses in appropriate locations, where customers will have easy access from <br />their job locations in Twin Lakes Business Park and from the Rosedale area. <br />3) The City encourages a mix of office and high -tech uses with multiple residential uses <br />where they can take advantage of the amenities offered by the parks west and south of <br />Oasis Park, and in a mixed Office/Residential area on the west and southeast sides of <br />Langton Lake. In effect the multiple residence areas become the "new edge, to the <br />existing adjoining residential areas. <br />4) The City allows existing non - conforming uses, most notably the trucking operations, <br />to remain as pre-existing, nonconforming uses until a more compatible, permitted <br />business Parr use succeeds the trucking use. If the City should decide to rezone, the <br />City will adopt zoning or a planned unit development in which these non - conforming <br />uses may remain, but will be encouraged to move to newer, more environmentally <br />compatible areas specifically designed and supported by roads and infrastructure for <br />such uses, consistent with this Plan or in other approved metropolitan areas. <br />5 ) The City encourages quality site design in new developments, to include landscaping, <br />signage, bernming, lighting, location of multi -story buildings with buildings, parking <br />and access, and other elements which will ensure compatibility with adjacent land <br />uses} and with their own internal functioning. It will be the responsibility of new <br />development to ensure compatibility with existing uses, not vice versa. The City <br />encourages the use of shared parking, ramped parking and a regional water <br />retention plan or use of new technologies where appropriate to reduce <br />impervious surfaces and increase green space. The Twin Lakes Design <br />Guidelines (1 988) are the current Design Guidelines until superseded her <br />amendments or "parcel specific" planned unit development ordinances, <br />6) To ensure orderly, fair} efficient and cost -- effective redevelopment, the City will use <br />eminent domain -- condemnation — in cases where acquisition of the land area and <br />construction of public roads and parr, utilities and/or storm surer are deemed. -in the <br />public's interest by the City Council. In addition, to induce further new private <br />investment that is in the public's best interest and ensure that the City is not <br />3 <br />
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