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10/21/2011 3:15:45 PM
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10/21/2011 2:42:11 PM
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routes, and encourage use of alternatives such as bicycles or walking. <br />e) Construct all levels of pathway /sidewalks improvements, including paths separate <br />from the roadway, additional bicycle lanes within the roadway pavement, <br />sidewalks and improved bicycle parking facilities. Connect sidewalk systems <br />where gaps occur. In addition} improve bus* parking and pathway signage. <br />20) Ensure that essential services are aesthetically pleasing and harmonious with adjacent <br />uses. <br />a) Require that utility structures and essential services not negatively impact <br />surrounding uses by careful placement on sites of landscaping and screening, <br />parking, and implementing adequate nurse and odor control devices. <br />1) Reduce light, air, noise and visual pollution. <br />a) Provide adequate lighting for streets and parking areas but without creating a <br />hazard for motorists or a nuisance for adjacent residential property owners. <br />Require direct or directly reflected light be confined to the property. Fights must <br />be equipped with hoods or louvers to direct light downward and prevent glare <br />from crossing property boundaries. <br />22} Address highway - generated noise. <br />a) Develop noise - mitigating features, especially for residential areas that are adjacent <br />to the two lakes and on Fairview Avenue. This should include greater setbacks <br />from the road, additional buffer or screening requirements and construction <br />techniques such as fewer windows on the highway side of the house, acoustical <br />design, quieter air handling equipment, and additional insulation, as well as <br />improved siting of new conunercial/industrial buildings to act as buffers for <br />highway noise. <br />23) Revise the standards to include site design and review standards that encourage <br />innovative on -site management of storm water where possible, and storm water <br />conveyance to regional ponds where necessary. For example, some temporary (12- <br />hour) storage could be done in and under parking lots to control flow from parking <br />lots to pond. work with the Minnesota pollution Control Agency and LAS <br />Environmental Protection Agency to implement a regional water quality system. <br />24) Protect, preserve and restore features, on both public and private property, which <br />significantly contribute to the character and appearance of the natural environment of <br />Twig Lakes. <br />a) Utilize dedication of easements, outright purchase, and purchase of development <br />rights to preserve open space near or adjacent to lakes and shore land. <br />7 <br />
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