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the front yard, 17.73 feet from the principal structure and 40 feet from the front property <br />line for property located at 3036 victoria Street, subject to the following conditions: <br />A The applicant using the lot's survey to supply the Building Department with a <br />scaled site plan with dimensions for detached accessory building and added <br />driveway for building permit application, thus allowing the Community <br />Development Department to verify the setbacks, driveway locations as per the <br />variance request, and size of the new structure. <br />B The detached accessory structure being setback a minimum of 40 feet from the <br />east (front yard) property line and 5 feet from the south (side yard ) property line. <br />The proposed detached accessory building being limited to a size not to exceed 24 <br />by 26 feet or 624 square feet. <br />D The accessory structure having the door of entry facing north to reduce visual <br />impact along victoria Street. <br />Gutters being installed on the detached accessory building (garage) where <br />appropriate, to properly direct drainage away from the adjacent (south) parcel. <br />The review and approval of a building permit being consistent with the approved <br />plans and variance. The new building to match the existing building in color <br />and/or materials. <br />7.0 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: <br />7.1 On May 7, 2002, the Roseville planning Commission held the public hearing regarding <br />the request by Mr. Berger. At the hewing Mr. Ralph wtthowski, and Mr. George Meiling <br />Jr., spoke in opposition to the request. An e-mail from Mr. James Dolan, 3055 victoria <br />Street, supported the request. <br />7.2 Mr. Berger as well as the City Planner answered specific questions from the Commission <br />regarding options, proposed impact, reasonableness and practicality of the request. Three <br />of the Planning Commissioners determined that the request could not meet the variance <br />criteria established by law, thus they would not support the request. The remaining two <br />onmissioners concluded that the request did meet the criteria established by law and <br />supported the request (minutes attached). <br />7.3 The Roseville Manning Commission voted (3-2) to recommend denial of the request <br />by Kenneth Berger, 3 036 victoria Street, based on the findings that options exist <br />that allow construction of a detached or attached garage that would not require a <br />variance. <br />PP3465 MCA 06/02/03 Page 5 of 6 <br />