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NARRATIVE PORTION OF VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR <br />306- VICTORIA STREET March '3 1 2003 <br />I would like to build an attractive detached garage on my proms to provide proper <br />storage for nay boat, seasonal car, and yard maintenance equipment. I will use wood <br />frame construction with windows and vinyl siding to match my house. My eiisting <br />attached garage is undersized, and can barely hold our 2 everyday cars. lily original idea <br />was to build an 864stt accessory building/detached garage as allowed by Roseville City <br />code. As I began to survey my lot for the best location, it became clear that due to the <br />size, shape} and topography, only 2 potential sites existed. The garage must be located no <br />further west than the back wall of my existing attached garage because my entire back <br />yard slopes downward toward the northwest. <br />SITE I would be immediately to the south of the attached garage with the back wall even <br />with the back wall of the attached garage, and a 1 Eft door facing victoria Street. T'hi's site <br />falls within city code, but it has drawbacks. while it would allow for an 808sfi garage, <br />the site would limit the width. There is approximately 3 3.5ft from the attached garage to <br />the south property line. This allows for a 22ft width after subtracting the 5ff property line <br />setback and the 6lt distance required from the attached garage. SIM I would allow a <br />depth of 36.75tt coming east to a line even with the front of my house. The hardships <br />caused by SITE I include: <br />The above mentioned width limitation, and it's effect on the interior loorplan. <br />Eliminating vehicular access to my backyard due to the Eft wide `alley' created <br />between the 2 garages. This access is necessary to maintain nay o. 5 acre wooded lot. <br />.M This ft wide ` alley' would pose a safety concern for my family by creating a 6f t <br />wide x 22.25ft long area that is sheltered, and not easily visible from my house or my <br />neighborxs houses. <br />This site would require hundreds of extra sft of hard sw ace driveway to reach the <br />existing driveway location effecting drainage, raising the project cost, and increasing <br />future maintenance required_ I would also likely have to pave the ` alley'o area between <br />the garages, as it would be to sheltered to grow grass. <br />This site would provide a much less attractive appearance to the neighborhood. with <br />1 Eft doors facing victoria with the attached and detached garages* the combined <br />width of these garage doors could overpower the 4 .45ft wide house_ The staggered <br />distance of the garage doors from Victoria Street could also detract from the overall <br />appearance of the property. <br />These negative aspects, as well as looking at other nearby properties for ideas, have lead <br />me to propose Site 2. <br />SITE 2 is shown on my proposed plan view. The NW corner of this structure would be <br />approximately 5f t south and 6.25ft east of the SE corner of my attached garage. This <br />would allow gfI diagonally between the corner of the structures, enough to allow the <br />necessary access to my backyard. This site allows for a 24ft x 26 ft garage (624sft), <br />limited to the east by birch trees, and in other directions by the lot size and the necessary <br />backyard access. There world be I- 16tt door facing north, which eliminates the visual <br />impact of 2 -1 6fI doors side by side facing Victoria Street_ SITE 2 also eliminates most bf <br />