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MS5 V BBvvn iflg CMMCDOR D&MIL90 10ITM <br />.Make clean cuts <br />5 15,03 6 �4 Ilk <br />Clean cuts to rotes seal off quickly and Delp preveM entry of di causing orgarEisms. Ragged, rough wo�mds from dull or <br />imPrflper equipment allow decay ta progress to the rest of the tree. Sharply cut ends promote a flesh of new rants, helpin� <br />tree mover from jury. Bulldozers to tear mots apart, leaving wounds that will not sea3. readily. Trenchers and lackh.._., <br />make clearer cuts dmough the salt. When cutting roots larger than 2 inches in diameter, use a pruning saw to make a smooth <br />cut. <br />Da not automatically the top of a tree #�# has been road pnu�ed. As long as moisture is na uniting leaves in the crown <br />of the tree mane food to help roots grow and recover from being cud Pnue out onl}i weak or dead branches. <br />Tmwhing nor a tm kifls a Ine portion of the Ue&s 1. Tunneling 1.EnI' the tm does viruWly n i11 I11 <br />roots live in the top 18 inches of soiL a amnel 2 feet deep often does lit#1e amage. However, placing the Umne1 3 to 4 feet <br />dwp i's sder. <br />It is best to umnel at lest l to 2 feet away from the tree's enter to avoid a tap root (see Figure 3). For try under 6 inches in <br />diameter at bit height, trenching should come no closer than the dipline of the tree, See Table I for burger trees. <br />Figure 3, Trenching near a tree can kill almost haff Its roots., dt. <br />virtually damage T the trees <br />Prevent evil compaction <br />http:!lmuaxlcnsiOu, mss . edtdexploa +t}taggulderdhoxVgD6g85.h #m Pap 4 o <br />