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[iM81 P- eventing Ccustruction Damage to Trues <br /># 15110 6 54 <br />ffi= ti=s ft r ift of br=h Figure 1). Protecting rots within the dripline of the t= is most critic, but damage to <br />roots outside the dripline on only one side of the tree may remove one -third or more of the tree's roots sw Figure 2). <br />Figure structure (lower figure). While some <br />trees do have deep tap mots, most do not Roots spread to where soil conditions provide adequate <br />molsture-, aeration and nutrients. Typically, about 85 percent of a t 's roots are w4thin the top 18 <br />inches of soil (upper figure). <br />go <br />Figure Roam` typically ■ + out from two to width branches. <br />wwontial roots are usually considered to be wfthin the - which w F underneath <br />treWs branchn. i <br />9 <br />Ema a *= el the dripline of fwther oA if possible, to prevent dam fim excavahon, sofl compaction or stockpdingr of <br />soil e roots. It is er FL e save groups of 7s &i individual ■ ' !& r ! m • . } the 7 S p r... - ■ trees I <br />*r ` f constwfion mwhiinety r a m the grove. pmftctive fen= only aft aH conWuclion done, <br />au and mooffiffig ofthe site. <br />inclWi% graffi-M <br />Carefully remove unwanted trees <br />Be carem I g Plan save. If <br />remove ! #I i +.+, when none o the 1 :r w++w have leaves. !° i ulew are `'r sudden - r <br />shock 111 cause sunbum 1 other trevw. <br />:!! ux i i '. l e t Page 3 1D <br />