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Costs <br />Design, engineering, and construction <br />management cow would increase: <br />those cow are currently budgeted at <br />about $1.1 million and are estimated <br />to increase 50 - 75% to approx. $ <br />to $1.9 million <br />Hard construction casts would also <br />increase due to an increase in <br />office/ meeting space of approx. <br />20,000 square feet; this additional <br />finished space world cost approx. $2 <br />million more than the current hard <br />construction cost for the total Project <br />which is currently estimated to be $7 <br />million. (If some of the 20,000 <br />additional sq. ft. are simply shelled <br />out, then the impact is reduced.) <br />Much of the increase in design, <br />engineering, and construction costs <br />would have to be funded from <br />Reserves since voter - approved bonds <br />are only authorized to be spent on the <br />Police and PW facilities, not on the <br />License Center or general city offices. <br />Redesign would have an uncertain <br />impact on construction bids: the <br />current bidding environment provides <br />favorable bid prices; bid prices 3 -5 <br />most later than currently scheduled <br />this year might be better or might be <br />worse. (Note, boo, current goal is to <br />enclose the structure by winter; <br />pursuing the alterative design almost <br />certainly means the structure cannot <br />be enclosed this winter.) <br />Additional costs associated with <br />additional site work -- including more <br />excavation and more retaining walls -- <br />are not exact, but are approx. <br />$100,Q00 more than currently <br />budgeted <br />Less underground parkins at City Hall <br />Benefits <br />Police work space would expand from the <br />proposed 20,000 square feet to 27,500 <br />square feet <br />Non - Police city office or meeting space <br />would expand by 20,000 square feet <br />Prisoners would be released from the lower <br />level <br />Most non - Police city functions would be on <br />the upper level of city hall <br />The Police sally ports and garage doers <br />would be screened <br />Some reduction in the $1.15 million the <br />Council authorized for renovating the <br />existing City Hall IF most of the PD's <br />current 7,500 square feet on the lower level <br />of City Half is left as is. (Note, however, <br />almost certainly the existing Police space <br />would have to be remodeled to some <br />extent even under the alternative design <br />proposal under which the PD remains <br />downstairs; remodeling costs are probably <br />in the vicinity of $25 -$40 sq.ft., or roughly <br />$187,000 to $300,000 —which is in the <br />current Council- authorized amount of $1.15 <br />million.) <br />Opportunity to move the License Center <br />back to City Hall, and/or develop more <br />meeting room space at City Hall. <br />Opportunity for different design for the <br />front of City Hall <br />More functional design overall <br />