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• Persons detained in City jail cells should be released from the lower level, not the upper <br />level; <br />• The Police Department should be on the lower level, not the upper level; <br />All non - Police City Departments should be on the upper level; <br />• The License Center should move from the Lexington Shoppes and be on the upper level <br />of City Hall; <br />• Using the underground parking for impounded vehicles 1s inappropriate-, <br />• The landscaping is insufficient, especially around the Police sally ports and garage area; <br />The front of City Hall does not have an attractive design. <br />Some persons attending the workshops suggested the City redesign the Project consistent <br />with their concerns and desires — mostly reducing or eliminating the underground parking, <br />moving the PD to the lower level of City Hall , and putting more city offices on the upper level <br />of City Hall. Some costs and benefits of such a redesign process are as follows 1: <br />1 Note: These are fairly rough estimates based on our experience with this project so far. More <br />accuracy in estimating the costs of pursuing the alternative design proposal suggested by some <br />members of the public would require significant design work by Ankeny Kell Architects and <br />their electrical, structural, and mechanical engineers. If Ankeny Dell were to immediately <br />suspend their work and the work of most of the other persons working on the current design and <br />the current bid packages, and were to dedicate themselves instead to studying and designing <br />alternative glans sufficient to enable Mc Gough to produce more accurate cost figures for the <br />alternative design, that effort would rewire a m 'mum of a month's work and approximately <br />30,000. To clarify, this additional time and money would be what is rewired to produce a More <br />accurate cost estimate for the alternative design; it would not bring us to the same point we are at <br />now with the current design in terms of preparing detailed architectural drawings and preparing <br />detailed specifications and bid packages. Since we have been working on this project now for <br />five months, a redesign may tale 3-4 months and $400,000 to get us to the same point we are at <br />now. <br />