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5.2 Rosevil le ' s policy has been to use site-specific Planned Unit Development Zones and <br />Development contracts in redevelopment areas with mixes of uses. Applewood. Pointe and its <br />,nixed residential uses will a Planned Unit Development zone, specific to this 13.7 acres site. <br />5.3 Its early February 2.003* the City Manner received the ""concept" submittal package for <br />distribution to members of the Development Review Committee (DRQ for review and <br />comment, Concurrently, United Properties held a neighborhood meeting regarding the <br />proposed park, its size, and improvements. The "'initial"' submittal included among other items <br />an ii1 ?! shaped park} a 3 story senior complex, a dead end public street* and the need for a large <br />retaining wall on the east side of the parcel. At the neighborhood meeting Meld by United <br />Properties and attended by members of the Parks Department on February 7, 2003, residents <br />discussed the "initial" proposal and improvements by creating a larger green area for the park <br />and turning the 3 story structure into a partial 4 story structure. Residents also provided the <br />developer and staff with comments pertaining to the proposed park amenities. <br />5.4 Given the comments from both staff and the adjacent residents, United Properties revised the <br />site _plan, cooperative footprint, and building elevations, and submitted plans for Concept and <br />now final approval. The revised plan has been accepted as the most appropriate design for the <br />Arona site. <br />PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE& <br />E <br />5.7 The proposal for Applewood Pointe includes the extension of Arona Street and Terrace Drive <br />within dedicated right -of gays. Arona Street is designed as 26 foot wide road and includes <br />designated on street parking areas along the west side of the street. Arona Street would <br />intersect with Terrace Drive creating a three way intersection (two public streets and private <br />drive access). Terrace Drive is designed as a 26 foot wide road that includes designated on- <br />street parking areas for the western half of the street along the south side. Terrace give will be <br />improved to connect to the existing Terrace give located easterly through both the Terrace <br />Garden and Centennial Garden Apartment's property. Them will be no on- street parking <br />allowed on the portion of the Terrace Drive extension that will connect the new Terrace give <br />and the old Terrace Drive. The Community Development and Public works Departments are <br />current working with the property owners regarding the street extension improvement, which is <br />a separate item} outside of the property boundaries in the Arona/United Properties project. The <br />Council has approved (June 9, 2003) the use of eminent domain to acquire necessary public <br />easements for the Terrace Drive extension. <br />5.8 The proposal also calls for a public street (Applewood Court) and right -of -way extending from <br />Arona Street east to provide public suet access to the seven single family homes and senior <br />cooperative. The right -of -war world be dedicated at 50 feet wide and have a roadway with a <br />width of 26 feet and parking of the south side} as well as an area to back -up and turn around. <br />5.9 All public utilities (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer) will either be constructed <br />within the right-of-way and/or under the constructed roadway. Sanitary sewer for the single <br />family homes will be provided from an existing sanitary sewer line along the north property line <br />of the Arona site. water will be provided from the main line that will be within Arona Street <br />PF3457 — RCA Final Plan and Flat Approval - 061603 Fag 3 of 9 <br />
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