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10/24/2011 10:43:31 AM
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The plan seeks to provide sufficient public and private open space areas throughout <br />the neighborhood that are essential elements of community life and "sense o place PO <br />and to }provide public connections through streets and pedestrian trails within the <br />neighborhood. <br />6.3 The blaster Plan included several important objectives regarding the redevelopment of the <br />Harnline Shopping Center site specifically as follows: <br />Provide an entryway or gateway to the Aroma- Hamiine Neighborhood area. <br />IN Retain some of the successful neighborhood retail services. <br />Be financiallyfeasible for the owner ardor developer of the site to redevelop. <br />Add open space to provide a more appealing development, public gathering places, and <br />water retention areas that are currently not addressed on the site. <br />IN Mix retain office, rental housing, owner occupied housing, snail business and civic and <br />educational uses in a pedestrian friendly design. <br />Encourage transit - oriented design. <br />And densities as follows: small lot single family at 4 to 8 units per acre; To nhornes at <br />7 to 12 units per acres condolapartrnents at 18 to 30 units per acre and up to 5 stories <br />in height; 10, 000 to 20, 000 sq. ft. of 'retail; and no more than 3 0 site coverage and <br />max height of 4 storied in Phase II and 5 stories in Phase L <br />6. Value: The current land and building value for the Hamline Shopping Center <br />site is $1.2 million paging an estimated annual tax of $43,000 (Ramsey County Assessor). It is <br />projected that the Presbyterian Homes proposal will have a value of approximately 14 million <br />upon completion. This will generate an estimated $200,000 in annual taxes. Therefore, the <br />proposed project will increase the tax base; a nearly a five-fold increase. <br />6. : The Cormmunity Development Department has estimated that there will be <br />1.5 jobs per 1,000 square feet of retail space within the project or approximately 15 to 20 jobs. <br />It is possible that some of the existing tenants and jobs will move into the new retail space. In <br />addition, staff has estimated that the project will provide 140 new senior residents. The City <br />and Presbyterian Hones will work together to market the project locally for Roseville seniors <br />and Presbyterian Homes will work with the Housing Resource Center and their Senior <br />Regeneration Program which purchases senior hones in the con nnunity and resells them to <br />first time homebuyers. <br />PF3421 — RCA Concept Plan - 031003 Page 6 of 10 <br />
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