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U Household income at or below federal poverty guidelines <br />EI Cash or near cash assets of $3,,00O or less. An, apiplicant"'s pfimary vehicle and, hornesteaI <br />are excluded. <br />In addi*tion to these general assistance prograrns, several groups operate programs by which <br />money is, collected to assi,st persons on a, temporary, emergency basis to pay their utility bills. <br />91 a, <br />Options to, Rev,ise the Discount Program <br />4 <br />There are several potential options to, revise the City's Discount Prograrn. They incilude, but are <br />I ot limited to', <br />If'the Council desires to revise the, Program, it is recolnunended that any change t,ak�e effect no <br />Ii <br />sooner than January 1, 2iOO4., This will, allow, Stafftime to communicat <br />el the changesi, to the- <br />general public, and to make the necessary administrative changes. <br />F <br />�,Lttachments <br />■ Applicable US Census 2000 datl <br />Council Action Requested <br />Sita,ff 'i's seeking Council direction on revisions to the City's Di,s�count Program- <br />