Eligibility Requiremeni A s
<br />Under the current Program, residential customers are eligible for the discount ifthey arj
<br />Owner and head of the household of the property; and
<br />Ll Presently receiving retirement,, survivors insurance, or disability insurance under the Social
<br />Security Act, 42 US,C #301, as amended.
<br />4 F
<br />These remain the only requirements under the current, Program. There is no requirement to
<br />demonstrate financial. need, nor is there any provision that calls for the on-going venfication of
<br />eligibility status.
<br />Assistance programs typically an'se out of' the desii,re to achieve outcomes, that would not
<br />vridinanily occur on their own,. In this, particular case, it could be argued that certain segments of
<br />the population would be unable to, afforid adequate water and s�eiwer service without the benefit of
<br />the discount., To try and, detien-nine the validity of this argument, Staff has analyzed the 2000
<br />Census information, regarding household income.
<br />[41mrM11111
<br />It should be noted that the information presented below and, in the attachment i's biased on a, 15%
<br />samvle ofhouseholds in Roseville,., The 2,0001 Census provides the following 'information,.
<br />El 4% of'h,ouseholds have income below the poverty, level (defi,ned as $12,000 annually for a
<br />I
<br />2-,perison household), 19% of households have income bielow $25,000, annual,ly. Statistical
<br />9
<br />information regarding household expenses was, not available.
<br />2% of households are currently receiving public assistance income. This could includige
<br />federJ l, state, or local assistance prograrns. I
<br />31,% of households are receivingz-)ocial Security Income at an average of $14,0001 annually.
<br />A' 21 % of households are receiving Retirement Income at an average of $22iO�00 annually.
<br />R
<br />The Census data suggests that approximately 2,0-,30%, of all households in Roseville, ar;,
<br />receiving some form of'fi,xed 'income payments. Although not explicit in the data,, it suggests
<br />that these same homes are receiviing income from, multiple sources, that when, combine,,-i
<br />R
<br />produces an average household, *income ran ging from, $1,4,000 - 36,0100 annually'.
<br />The Census data indicatesi that 2% of Roseville households are currently receiving public
<br />assistance income., It is feasible that a higher percentage of households are eligible to receiv:,T
<br />assistance, but have chosen not to apply., Based on the Census, data, that figure is not likely to be
<br />any higher than, 4-5%.
<br />Comparison to Other Assistance Programs
<br />To offer a comparison, with other assistance programs, Staff reviewed existing federal, state, and
<br />county programs. Under the reviewed programs the typical recipient ofassistance must meet the
<br />rollowl'ng eligibility reqiu,i , rements:
<br />