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Removal - Existing traffic management measures and /or measures installed under the Program <br />may be requested to be removed. The request for removal of a project will be processed <br />generally using the same procedures as outline in this program requiring written request and <br />appropriate neighborhood approval. <br />5.0 Procedural Details <br />Step 1 - Identify Candidate Streets /Neighborhoods <br />Residents may identify candidate streets or areas for traffic improvements. Some request may <br />be handled by phone or verbally from residents to City Staff, which could result in increased <br />police enforcement or placement of the City's speed display equipment. Any requests for <br />permanent traffic management strategies require a written application with 50% of the project <br />neighborhood signing the application. Appendix A provides a sample petition and request letter. <br />Application of these strategies on collector or arterial streets is excluded and not included in this <br />process. <br />Step 2 - Preliminary Screening and Evaluation <br />The City Engineer will review requests to determine whether or not they should be handled as <br />part of normal traffic engineering procedures or police enforcement of the City, or if they qualify <br />for consideration under the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. Some requests may <br />be able to be handled within the currerii I Program such as planned <br />infrastructure improvements or reconstructions. In addition, common requests for increased <br />traffic enforcement, and placement of the variable speed display equipment are commonly <br />handled by requests to the City Traffic Safety CommNIM <br />Review of requests will consist of comparing the identified street characteristics with the <br />following initial criteria: <br />• The street in question must be classified as a Local (residential) street in the City of <br />Roseville Transportation. Plan (see Figure 4.10 from Roseville Transportation Plan in <br />Appendix D). <br />• The requests must be related to speeding, excessive traffic volumes, crashes, cut - <br />through traffic, truck traffic, non - motorized transportation safety or other related impacts <br />on a residential street. <br />If it is determined that the request falls under the function of this plan, then Step 3 will be <br />initiated. If not, the request shall be followed up as appropriate by the City Engineer as part of <br />the Departments normal function, including coordination with Police, Fire, and Public Works <br />Departments as needed. <br />Step 3 - Data Collection and Traffic Study <br />If it is determined that the request falls under the guidelines of the management program, the <br />City Engineer will conduct an engineering study of the street(s) or neighborhood. The study will <br />include the following actions: <br />