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P 0 <br />(b) Obstruction permit. An obstruction permit is required by a registrant to h,in,der free <br />and open passage over the specified, portion of' right-of-way by placing, equipment <br />described. therein on the right-,of-way, to the extent and for the duration specified therein. <br />Subd, 2. Permit Extensions. No person may excavate or obstruct the right-of-way beyond the <br />date or dates specified in the permit unless such person (1,) makes a supplementary application <br />for another right-of-way permit before the expiration, of the initial permit, and (H) a new permit <br />0 <br />or permit exteoln is granted. <br />srupt4ve Fee. Notwithstanding siubd. 2, of this section, even if' a new permit or <br />Slubd. I DI 1 irectorl shall establish, and impose a disruptive fee as, a civil <br />permit extension 'is, granted, the D" 9 - <br />penalty for unreasonable delays 'in right-of-way excavadon, obstruction, repair, or restoration. <br />Slubd. 4. Permiat Display, Permits issued under, this Chapter shall be conspicuously displaye, <br />1 ection by the Director. <br />at all fimes at the indicated work site and shall be available for 'nsp I <br />Sec. 707.09., Permit Appli-cationso <br />ight-of-way permit applications shall contain, <br />Application for a permit is made to the Director R <br />and will be, considered complete only upon compliance with the requirements of the followipp <br />* 0 <br />provisions: <br />(a) Registration with the Director pursuant to this Chapter!-, <br />(b), Submission of a completed permit application form, including all required <br />2,-ttachments,, and scal,ed drawings showing the location and area of the Proposed projeo- <br />and the location of all existing and proposed equipment, <br />(c), Payment of all money due to the City foi <br />d M 't is requested for purposes of <br />Subd. 2. Additional Equi ent. When an, excavation permi <br />IPM <br />No, <br />installing additional equipment, and the performance and restoration bond, presently existing is <br />Insufficient with respect. to the additional eqdipment, in the sole discretion of ffie Director, the <br />plosting of' an additional performance and restoration bond for the additional equipment may be <br />0 <br />