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I dance with Section 7'07.05, subid. 1, <br />I I i ions. <br />Sec. 707.10. Iss uance er <br />of pm'to cond"t " <br />Subd. 1. Permit Issuancel.1 If the Director determines that', the applicant has satisfied the <br />0 0 9 <br />irector may issue a permit. <br />requiremeIts of this Chapter, the D <br />I I tt <br />Subd, 2. Conditions, The Director may impose reasonable conditiom upon the issuance of MA <br />he public health, safety a do <br />permit and, the, performance of the applicant thereunder to protect t ni <br />welfare, to ensure the structural, integrity of the right-of-way, to protect the property and sa,fet <br />of other users of the, r'ght-of-way, and to mir M*ize the disruption and inconvenience to th <br />trav6ling public. 11 <br />Sec. 70I 7-11.1 Perrm*t Fees. <br />@I <br />Subd,, 1. Excavation, Permit Fee. The Excavation PermitFee shall be established by th; <br />Director in an amount sufficient to recover the following costsm. <br />(a) the C 16ty cost; <br />(b) degradation cost, 'if applicabla, <br />Sub d. 2.1 Obstruction, Permit Fee. The Obstruction Permit Fee shall be established by th4 <br />director and shall be 'in an amount" sufficient to recover the City cost. <br />v in perm <br />Payment, of Permit Fe a o <br />es. No exca <br />t it or obstruction permit shall be issued <br />0 <br />without payment of such fees, before the issuance of such a permit unless, the applicant shall <br />I ing therefor. All permit fees shall bi-;i <br />2zgree to pay such fees wn thirty (30) days, of b*ll' <br />W <br />�foubled during a probationary period. <br />Subd. 41., Non refundable. Permit fees that, were paid for a permit that the Director has <br />revoked for a breach, as, stated in Section 707.21 are not refundable. <br />0 <br />Subd, 5., Uise of Pertnit Fees., All obstruction and excavation permit fe�es shall be used solely <br />.1 19 <br />for city mana a a <br />gement,, construction, mintennce and repair costs of the r* ht-of-way. <br />707,1,2. Right-of-Way Repair and Restoration. <br />Siubd,i 1. Tuening. The work to, be done under the excavation permit, and the repair and <br />restoration of the right-of-way as, required, herein, must be completed within, the dates specified <br />a 11 a, <br />in, t4e permit, increased by as many days as work could not be done because ofextra inary ord' <br />R <br />perinittee or when work was prohibited, as u,nseasonal <br />Circumstances beyond, the control Of the <br />or unreasonable under Section 70�7.15. <br />IR <br />