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P,a ge 2 <br />S�teven Sarik,ozy <br />November 27,, 191911 <br />41 <br />Swedish siystem,,, the, piroiject. can proceed as conceived and still <br />provide. a sum of' money for a, modest building, - it should be <br />understood that this building is not the ultimate facielity but <br />would, provide a 4,,O�O�O square foot biri,ck, facility attached to the <br />0 <br />current, ice arena with an open intierior which will adequately <br />Meet user needs. <br />Bileforie, Proceeding further,, staff' feels, it is imperative that we <br />41 <br />learn adidi't,lonal informat,lon about the Swedish ice system,. Also, <br />0 a <br />we are aware that there are. several other similar companies in <br />@I <br />the Scandinavian countries, that design,, manufacture, and <br />construct ice siystemsi.i <br />