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N �DEPIE,N DENT <br />CONSULTING <br />I i <br />ENGINEERSP IINC., <br />Bradfoird A. IL mIbiell rg, P.,E., Pfemidem <br />November 16r, 1992 <br />Mr,, Steve Gatl,in, PE <br />Director olf Public 'Work,s, <br />City, of Rosevi* 1,11le <br />W <br />26010 Civill Center Drive <br />Rosevi 11e, MN 51511131 <br />0 <br />RE: Preliminary Op "in lion of Probable Coist <br />Ice System <br />John Rose Memorial oval <br />Rosevillell, MN <br />Fille 'No., 2,30492 <br />Dear Mr. GatlinV <br />80 W Co�unity, Rolaid C <br />Little, Can�a�da <br />St. Paut, MinnesoM 55'117 <br />.Sulte 810111, <br />P'H'ONE & FAX 6112-482-93131 <br />1 <br />Thi's letiter is in response to our meetings, at City Hall on Monday, <br />November 9, 1992 and, Priday, November 131 1,992 regarding the opinions <br />of probable costs for the costruction of the John Rose Memorial Speed <br />Skating oval, and Bandy, R,ink in Roseville. <br />I st Inc * <br />Independent Consulting Engineer (I., C. E. has had several <br />0 <br />meetings, with viery qualified, representatives of the following ice rink <br />equ,ipment man,ufactu,reris and, contractors over the, last couple weeks in_ <br />onstruction costs and most effective and ecolllllllllllllllP <br />an iatitempt, tio determine c. <br />nolm,ical, meanis by which to build the facilitya. <br />We, are very 'much, aware of-the fact that the total budget for this pro- <br />di <br />ject is, based on the $1.9 million, friolm the state and $1,.0 million from <br />01 <br />the City of Roseviill,e for a total project budget of $2.9 Milli on W <br />'We have worked through every possibIle concept that I..C,,E,, and the <br />di <br />listed, contractors can think of in, an attempt to meet the budget <br />�t,rints that have been established <br />g d e <br />oals, Project requirements an rs a <br />by the City, of Roseville. <br />