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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION PROG <br />ELIGISILITY: <br />a <br />All regular full-time and reigular part-time employeles, and <br />activemembers of the Fire- Department are eligible to participate <br />I <br />in the Employee Suggelistion Program. Suggestions may be submitted <br />Iii a gr,oui of employees* the award will then be divided equally <br />P <br />among all, members, of the group. <br />The f ollowing, employees are not eligible to partic ipate <br />4. The Department Head wJ-11 forward all suggestions to the <br />Personnel Directorl and the Personnel Director will <br />11 <br />notify the employee in writing as to whether the <br />11 <br />suggestion was approved. The City Manager has final <br />approval of ail! suggestions. <br />,GUIDELINES: <br />4 4; <br />A, suggestion must be limp lemente�d within one year of it' <br />ii <br />submiLssion. for the empilloyee to receive an award. <br />