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MISSION <br />. . - . . . . - . . . . . . !� -. . . . . ..► �. . . - ►ri'��: <br />- � � • -• � �• � <br />VI SION <br />To be recogr►.ized and res��ected as the leading ad'vacate for the comYnon intere.sts of <br />Califomia citie.s. <br />AUout the L�ague of California C'ities <br />Established in 1898, the I�ag�.ie of Califomia C'ities is a iY�Yr <br />ber or�nization that represents Califomias inmrporated cities. <br />The I�ag�.ie strives to protect the local authoriry and autonomy <br />of ciry governtY�it and help Califomias cities effecavely serve <br />their residents. In addition to advocating on cities' Uelrilf at the <br />state capitol, the I�ag�.ie provides its rY�Y�s with professional <br />developrr�nt progtaiY�s and inforiYrr�tion resoi.irces, conducts <br />0 <br />edi.icational conferen�s and research, and publishes L�rten2 <br />te <br />C'ity iYrr��zine. <br />I-1�• . �. " <br />• <br />L�rten2 City is the I�ag�.ie of Califomia C'ities' rmnthly iYr�a�- <br />�ine. L�rten2 City pr�ides lively, interdisciplinary analyses of <br />issues affecang local governance. Its goal is to offer iiYYY�iately <br />pracacal ideas, infoiiYrxtion and bigger-picture policy issues and <br />trends. For rmre inforiY�tion, visit www.� <br />"RosenUergs Rules of Order" first appeared in L�rteyn City <br />iYrr��zine in �.�.tist and September 2003. <br />AUout the Author <br />L1�ve RosenUerg is an elected coi.uiry s�.q�eivisor representing <br />the 4th District in Yolo C_'�.uiry. I� also serves as director of <br />coiYnYi.uiiry and intergoverntY�ital relations, director of opera <br />tions, and senior advisor to the govemor of Califomia He has <br />seivecj as a rr�mber and chair of m.uY�rous state and local <br />UoRrds, both appointed and elected, and aLso served on rhe <br />L1�vis C'iry C_'�.uicil for 12 yeats, inch.�ciing ttiw terrrs as iYr�yor. <br />He has rai.igiit classes on parliac r�ntary procecji.�re and has <br />served as parliaiY�itarian for large and srnall goveming Uodies. <br />In the fall of 2003, Gw L1�vis appointed RosenUerg as a j udge <br />of the Yolo C'�.uiry Si.q�erior C'�.0 t. <br />To orde�- additional oopies of this publication, �i �s�s� sss-s� o�- �S�t www.��t��.orcysto�. <br />�02003 League of California Glties. All rights resenied. <br />1400 K Street, Sao arrieritq CA 95814 <br />(916) 658-8200 <br />Fax (916) 658-8240 <br />�nnnnrv.racities.or� <br />