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Rose�tL�rg's Ri�les of C�'e�:• Si�le Parl��zyr,��rtary P�^ocedza� far tl� 21st Cer�tury <br />be placed on "hold." The rmtion may <br />contain a specific tiiY� in which the <br />item can corr� Uack to the Uociy. "I <br />inave � table this item until our regu <br />lar iY�eting in Cktober." Or the rmtion <br />may contain no spacific rirr� for the <br />ret�.un of the iterr� in wi�ich case a <br />rmtion to rake the item off the table <br />and bring it t�ck to the Uociy will have <br />to be raken at a future iY�eting. A <br />rmtion to table an item (or to bring it <br />back to the boci�) req�.iires a sirnple <br />majoriryvote. <br />A u�odion to limit deUate. The iYn�t <br />coiYnYnn form of this rmtion is to say. <br />"I iYnve the previous questiori' or "I <br />inave tl�e qi.iestiori' or "I call for tl�e <br />qi.iestion." Wlien a iY�nber of the Uody <br />iYrxkes such a rmtion, the rr�mber is <br />really saying: "I've l�ad en«.igii debate. <br />Let's get on with tl�e vote." Wlien s�.ich <br />a rmtion is iYrr�de, the chair sl�.dd ask <br />for a second to the rmtion, stop deUate, <br />and vote on the rmtion to lurrit deUaxe. <br />1he rmtion to lurrit debaxe requires a <br />t�thirds vote of the Uody. Note that a <br />rmtion to limt deUate could include a <br />tiiY� lurri� For exainple: "I inave � <br />lirrrit deUate on this agenda item to <br />15 rrrinutes." F�en in this foriYrxt, the <br />the rmtion fails. If one iY�nUer is alr <br />sent and the vote is 3-3, the rmtion <br />still iails. <br />All rmtions recli.ure a simple majoriry, <br />but there are a few ex�ptions. The <br />exceprions wiien tl�e Uociy is <br />raking an acaon that effecavely cuts <br />off the abiliry of a m� ioriry of the body <br />to take an acaon or disa�s an item <br />These extraordinary rmtions req�.iire a <br />t�thirds majoriry (a super-majoriry) <br />to pass: <br />Nbtian to limit cl,ebate. Wlier.her a <br />iY�Y�Uer says, "I inave the previous <br />qi.iestion," "I trnve the question," "I <br />call for the qi.iestiori' or "I iYnve to limt <br />debate," it all aiY�.uits to an atteinpt to <br />cut off the abiliry of the rrrinoriry to dis- <br />cuss an iterr� and it requires a t�thirds <br />vote to pass. <br />Nbtian to dase i�iii�wiorn. Wlien <br />choosing o$'i�rs of the boci�, such as the <br />chair, noiY�nations are in order either <br />from a nomnating coiYnY�itt� or from <br />the floor of the Uody. A rmtion to close <br />norrrir�ations effecavely cuts off the right <br />of the minoriry to norrrinate officers, <br />and it requires a t�thirds vote <br />to pass. <br />If you are running the British Parliament, <br />Roberi's R�les of O��der is a dandy and quite <br />t�.seful handUoolz <br />rmtion to limt deUate roquires a t� <br />thirds vote of the Uody. A siiY�ilar rmt- <br />ion is a m�tion to ob�'ect to considei^cr�r.'a�c <br />ofan item This rmrion is not deUarable, <br />and if pA�seci, procli.�es the Uociy from <br />even considering an item on the agenda. <br />It also recli.iires a t�thirds vote. <br />�J�h/ � �� �JorityvbtG�ss <br />In a der�naacy, decisions are iYrr�de with <br />a siir�ple n-aj oriry vote. A rie vote iY�ans <br />the rmtion fails. So in a severriY�Y�er <br />l�ci�, a vote of /f3 passes the rmrion. A <br />vote of'r3 with one abstention iY�ans <br />4 League of California Gties <br />Nbtian to object to tl�e oornic�atian <br />af a quesdion. NoiiYr�ally, such a rmtion <br />is unnocessary, becaiise the objecdonable <br />item can be tabled or defeated stxaight <br />up. I b�ver, when iY�nbers of a Uody <br />do not even want an item on the agenda <br />to be considered, then sucli a rmrion <br />is in order. It is not deUatable, and it <br />reqi.ures a t�thirds vote to pass. <br />Nbtian to sia�xi ilie rules. This <br />rmtion is deUarable, but recli.iires a t� <br />thirds vote to pass. If the Uody has its <br />� rules of order, condi.ic-t or proc�- <br />di.ire, this rmtion all� the Uody to sus- <br />pend the rules for a particl.ilar pi.uPose. <br />For e�inple, the boci� (a private club) <br />iYright l�ave a rule prol�ibiting the atten <br />dance at iY�eting,s by norrclub rr�rrr <br />bers. A rmtion to suspend the rules <br />wauld be in order to allow a non-club <br />iY�nUer to attend a iY�eting of the club <br />on a pRrticular date or on a pRrtia�lar <br />agenda item <br />�1i-71�1.: ..� . :�«..�. .' i <br />lhere is a special and unique rmtion <br />that requires a bit of explauation all by <br />itsel� the rmtion to roconsider. A tenet <br />of parliacr�ntary procecji.ue is finaliry. <br />After vigorous disaassion, debate and <br />a vote, there iYi.tist be sorr� clos�.ire to <br />the issue. And so, after a vote is raken, <br />tl�e iYr�atter is d�rr�d closed, subject <br />only to reopening if a proper rmtion <br />to roconsider is iYrr�de. <br />A rmtion to remnsider req�.iires a <br />majoriryvote to pass, but there are <br />� �t �t� � �ly o�ty � <br />the rmtion to reoonsider. <br />First is the matter of tiiYrir�g. A rmrion <br />to roconsider rraast be iYrr�de at tl�e iY�et- <br />ing wiiere the itemwas fust voted upon <br />or at the very ne� iY�eting of the Uody. <br />A rmtion to remnsider iYrr�de at a later <br />� is unrirr�ly. (The Uociy, h��er, <br />can always vote to suspend the rules <br />and, by a t�thirds majoriry, allow a <br />rmtion to romnsider to be iY�de at <br />another tiiY�.) <br />Second, a rmrion to remnsider may be <br />iYrr�de only by cerrain iY�nbers of the <br />Uody. Accordingly, a rmrion to rocon- <br />sider may be iYrr�de only by a rr�inUer <br />wiio voted in the �zzjority on the origi- <br />nal rmtion. If such a iY�nUer has a <br />clringe of heart, he or she rray iYrr�ke the <br />rmtion to romnsider (any other rr�rrr <br />ber of the Uody may somnd the rmrion). <br />If a rr�inUer who voted in the yrrinoi ity <br />�ks to iYr�ake the rmtion to roconsider, <br />it rrazst be ruled out of order.lhe pur- <br />pc�se of this rule is fivaliry. If a iY�nber <br />of the mdnoriry could iYr�ake a rmtion to <br />reconsider, r.l�i the item could be <br />brought Uack to the Uociy a�in and <br />a�in, wi�ich �auld defeat the pi.uPose <br />of f�naliry. <br />