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3. 11ie suUstitute u�odia�. If a rr�inUer <br />wanrs to completely cio away with <br />the basic rmtion i.u�er disa�sion <br />and put a new rmtion before the <br />g�eining Uociy, he or she ��ld <br />`iYnve a subsrinzce rmrion." A sulasri- <br />nzte rmtion iYrigl�t b� "I iYnve a sulr <br />satute rmtion that � can�l the <br />annual fixndraiser rhis year.,, <br />Nbrions to aiY�id and si.�stitute rno- <br />tions are often confi.tised. &zt tl�ey are <br />quite difFerent, and so is their effect, <br />if passed. <br />A rmtion to aiY�id seeks to rerain tl�e <br />basic rmtion on the floor, but to inodify <br />it in sorr� way. <br />A si.�stinzte rmtion seeks to thraw out <br />the basic rmtion on the floor and sulasti- <br />nzte a new and different rmrion for i� <br />The decasion as to wiierher a rmrion is <br />really a rmtion to arr�nd or a si.�stinzte <br />rmtion is left to the chair. So that if a <br />iY�nUer iY�kes wi�at that iY�nber calls a <br />rmtion to acr�nd, but the chair deter- <br />m�ies it is really a subsrinzte rmtion, the <br />chair's desiguation g�ems. <br />V1Aien Multiple Nbtiais Are Before <br />The Ga�nernirxJ ��Y <br />Up to thr� rmtions rray be on the floor <br />sitYa.dtaneoi�,sly 1he chair may reject a <br />foi.irr.h rmrion until the thr� that are on <br />the floor have b�n resolved. <br />Wlien ttiw or r.l�ree rmtions are on the <br />floor (after rmtions and soconds) at <br />the sarr� riir�, the fr�st vote should be <br />on the I�rst rmtion iYrr�de. So, for �aiYr <br />ple, assi.uY� the first rmtion is a basic <br />` rmtion to l�ave a five-rr�inber coiYnY�t <br />t� to plan and put on our annual fund <br />raiser." I�.uing tl�e disatission of this <br />rmtion, a iY�nUer rrright iYr�ake a socond <br />rmtion to ` aiY�id the main rmtion to <br />l�ave a larr�iY�ber coiYnYitt�, not a <br />five-rr�mber corr�rcnitt�, to plan and <br />put on our annual fiuidraiser." And per- <br />haps, during that discussion, a rr�mber <br />iYrxkes yet a third rmtion as a"sulastitute <br />rmrion that �e not have an annual <br />fiuidraiser this year." The proper proce <br />di.ire wauld be as foll�. <br />Rose�tL�rg's Ri�les of C�'e�:• Si�le Parl��zyr,��rtary P�^ocedza� far tl� 21st Cer�tury <br />First, rhe cl�air �auld deal with the <br />tlrird (the last) rmrion on the floor, the <br />s�.�stitute rmtion. After discussion and <br />det�te, a vote ��ld be raken first on <br />the third rrr�rion. If the si.�sritute <br />rmtion passes, it wauld be a s�.�stitute <br />for the basic rmtion and �.dd elim- <br />nate it The first rmtion �.dd be rrnot, <br />as �.dd the second rmtion (wi�ich <br />sought to air�nd the fitst rmtion), and <br />the acaon on the agenda item�auld be <br />complete. No vote �.dd be taken on <br />the first or second rmtions. On the <br />other l�ai�, if the s�.�stitute rmtion (the <br />third rrr�tion) faile� the chair �auld <br />proce�d to consideration of the socond <br />(now the last) rmtion on the floor, the <br />rmtion to acr�nd. <br />If the subsrinzte rmtion failod, the <br />cl�air �auld then deal with the socond <br />(now the last) rmtion on the floor, <br />the rmtion to air�nd. The discussion <br />and debRte �.dd foais saicrly on the <br />aiY�idiY�it (should the coiYnY�ittee be <br />five or 10 rr�Y�s). If the rmtion to <br />aiY�id passe� the chair �auld now <br />iYnve to consider the rrain rmtion (the <br />fiist rmtion) as ayr��rded if the rmtion <br />to arr�nd failed, rhe cl�air �.dd nav <br />iYnve to consider the rrain rmtion <br />(the fitst rmtion) in its original foriYr�at, <br />not aiY�idod. <br />To Debate or Nat to Debate <br />1he basic rule of rmtions is that tl�ey <br />are subject to disaassion and del�te. <br />Accordingly, basic rmrions, rmrions to <br />aiY�id, and si.�sritute rmrions are all <br />eligible, eacli in their t�.un, for fixll dis- <br />cussion before and by the Uociy. The <br />del�te can conrinue as long as rr�iY�bers <br />of the Uody wish to discuss an iterr � sulr <br />ject to the docision of the chair that it is <br />tiiY� to iYnve on and take acaon. <br />There are exceptions to the general rule <br />of free and open debate on rmtions. The <br />exceptions all apply wiien there is a <br />desire of the Uody to iYnve on.lhe fol- <br />lowing rmtions are not del�table (that <br />is, wl�i the follo�ving rmtions are iYr�ade <br />and soconded, the cl�air rrazst iiYnY�i- <br />ately call for a vote of the Uody without <br />del�te on the rmtion): <br />Au�odion to adjoiuil This rmrion, if <br />passed, requires the Uody to uYnY�iately <br />adjoi.un to its ne� reg�.ilarly scl�i.ded <br />iY�eting.11�is rmtion requires a siir�ple <br />majoriryvote. <br />A u�odion to ieoess. This rmrion, if <br />passed, requires the Uody to uYnY�iately <br />take a recess. NoriYrxlly, the chair deter- <br />iY�nes the length of the re�ss, wi�icli <br />may range from a few mnutes to an <br />l�.ir. It req�.ures a simple maj oriry vote. <br />The challenge for anyone c-1�airing a p�ublic meet- <br />ing is to accorr�rr�odate public input in a tirr�ely <br />and tirr�sensitive way, vvhile steady <br />� •!J w • • ' . •'� �. � . <br />� � <br />Third, the cl�air �.dd now deal with <br />the fiist rmtion that was placed on the <br />floor. The original rmtion �.dd either <br />be in its original foriYrr�t (five rr�mber <br />coiYnYitt�) or, if aiY�ided, wauld be in <br />its air�i�ecj foriYr�at (1QiY�nUer corrr <br />rrrittee). And the question on the floor <br />for disa.i�sion and docision �.dd be <br />wiierher a coiYYY�itt� should plan and <br />put on the annual fiuidraiser. <br />A u�odion to fiY tl�e tiiu�e to acljoum. <br />This rmrion, if passed, req�.iires the Uody <br />to adj«.uii the iY�eting at the specific <br />tiiY� set in the rmrion. For exainple, the <br />rmtion rrright b� "I iYnve �e adjoi.irn <br />this iY�eting at rrndnigl�t." It roquires a <br />simple majoriryvote. <br />A u�odion to table. This rmrion, if <br />passed, requires discussion of the agenda <br />item to be halted and the agenda item to <br />,,,��t,�.� 3 <br />