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IM10 <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 5-26-92 <br />ITEM NO <br />vval: Manager Revi,ewed: Agenda Section. <br />Department Ap <br />Hearing <br />6 T <br />Item Desicripift...4on: Heritalae Development of Minnesota Inc request <br />for rezoning from R-1 to PUD at 725 W* <br />Lia,rpenteur Avenu,e,,.i <br />as <br />10 The, site at 72,51 W. Larpenteur Avenue is zoned R-1 single family <br />but is designated for medium density residential on the City's <br />,comprehensive plan map. <br />i <br />2e The site 'is clurrently occupied by a single family dwelling. <br />a That the proposed play area be enlarged because the <br />propIsed suite, JLS *isolated from other park and recreational <br />areas IS <br />ba That the, bluffer strip be enlarged to protect Sweeney Pond <br />from the proposed development. <br />C, Wi 'That the proposed storm water detention pond b <br />% 46 <br />constructed and mainta lined, in accordance with Metropoi ita. <br />Council guidelines . I <br />d That adidi ti ional large caliper trees be provided to screen <br />l' <br />the pro] ect from Sweeney, Piond and the adj acent res idences, <br />e 'That a Development Agreement and a Letter of Credit be <br />provided to insure that the proposed landscaping and <br />sedimentation ponds are properly maintained,, <br />'That, a plan be developed to mgate adverse impact of <br />snow storage from the proeict on Sweeney Pond. <br />I <br />5W Subsequent to the Planning Commis s ion. meeting,, the applicant <br />has indilicated that they are unwillina to reduce the n er of <br />