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Mr. Steve Gatlin <br />March 231, 1992 <br />Pag; Two <br />*I ldentjfy� possible concerm about how col mpostin,g h CurrentlY dOD�e <br />el Analyze pirogram costs <br />'ISM will use data provided by, the City to determine the present total cost and plet-ton, cost <br />of Roscville's leaf composting program. This, information will provide a baseline for, <br />4 .41 <br />projecmg program costs if 'it proves necessaq to u,pgmde the program., <br />Phase II: <br />A, <br />IV the City diecildes to undertake improvements to, the, compost,ing slite, and opemtl, "a. Phae ia <br />work, W16,11. include the following: <br />* Design site draina,gle system <br />