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t 01 <br />imeal <br />B* The new technology would, substantially increase the NCR <br />payroll in the community • nearly doubling it as early <br />as 11993to 7.i3 mon. <br />I 'ty Is return <br />CIO The project has an excellent return on the Ci <br />on investment, particularly as it relates to City <br />investment per aver newjob which 'i's under $3600. <br />Die The, proj ect produces an, increase - in net new averagp <br />payroll of SC., 3 million per year for an annual City <br />investiment of S32,3761 for 10 years (Pr incipal & <br />Interest). Thi's i s an annual return of $133 for every <br />11 <br />4�� of City investment <br />council Action Reauested. <br />Motion to, approve author izatilion, to enter into a development <br />,agreement w, ith NCROI <br />