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Mr, Steve Gatlin <br />March 23, 1,992 <br />Page Twol <br />el Idenfify possible concerns about how compostingi Is currently done <br />-ton cost <br />OSM will use data Provided by the City to determine the p�resent total cost and per <br />*1 <br />of Roseville's leaf composting progriaim. Thl'S 1"nformation will pirovl',de a baseline for <br />0 .0 <br />proj�e,ctmg program, costs 1*,f'l*t proves necessary to, upgrade the program. <br />;11-1 <br />Phase Il: <br />If the City decides, to undertake improvements to the compostm"g site and operations, Phase H <br />6 <br />work wi'll mclude: the, following. <br />* <br />Design. site drainage system <br />