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Mr. Steve GatlM* <br />March 23�., 1992 <br />Page Tbree <br />OSM will desip a runoff control system to manage runoffwater from the composting site <br />* 0 <br />and minimize, the chances, for harming the adjacent wetlands. The runoff control plan, will <br />R & <br />include a, survey of the site. a grading plan, and a, design, for a, retention pond o <br />control sftucture. <br />Develop Opemfing Phn <br />* Evaluate other alternatives <br />61 <br />If directed by the City,,, OSM will assist in, evaluating, alternative, sites or program option <br />1 0 4 4.4 a IF <br />such as, joining wim neighboring municipalities in managing y'ard waste. <br />The estimated fee for Phase I[[ will, be developed after Phase I i's completed, and, before th <br />41 <br />City decides whether or, not to continue with the second, phase. <br />11 <br />We appreciate this, opportunity to offer our environmental planning and, engineer" servicies <br />mg <br />to the City of Roseville. If you have any q ' xiestions, about the proposed scople of work or <br />estimated fee, do not hesitate to, call. We look forward to working with you on this pirio'�ect. <br />I <br />X, I <br />