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A COORDINATED TRANSITID PMENT STRATEGY WOULD BENEFIT THE ENTIRE <br />REGION <br />Coordinating transit-onented 'Investments with, land use and development would preserve the Twin <br />Cities Metropolitan Area"s ability to function as a single economic and social entity and would, result <br />in a number of'regional benefits, fficluding. <br />11111711111 <br />J <br />a <br />Growth along major transportation, corridors, should focus on three major objectives, <br />0 S AV 41 <br />*Maintauung the Vitality ot major urban and su,rbuirbian employment concentrations <br />61 <br />eMaintaimna and revitalizM*g the older urban and, suburban core <br />oPermittmmg long-term urban and suburban development around major transit centers <br />Le., stations/hubs and park/ridie areas) to become, more intense and transit-i and <br />pedestrian-on"ented <br />41 0 <br />Weal, role, in land use and zoMMg1 cointrob. A, Policy of guiding a portio <br />Local municipalities play a Cn 1 0 a <br />of the region"s future growth along major, transportation comaors will require a strong partnershi <br />0 <br />between those local units of government and the transportation implementing agencies. <br />15 <br />