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M <br />closed-circuit TV. The objecie Will be to moire efficiently use, oiur highway systiem, locate and <br />respond to 1"Midents, and to direct traffic around or away from incidents.i An, alternative will be to <br />rovide direct comm 4 i 0 <br />p u,nic,ati"on to private vehicles about t�raiffic problems, and provide alternate routes <br />to, avolod coingestion. I <br />JIVIIII <br />Included, in thisi ' category i are projects 'Intended to faclilitate bus, operations and provide a more <br />a <br />attractive and user-friendly enviromment for the transit fider. The most sign,ifficant components to b(7, <br />distributed, throughout the region, are% <br />10 Bus Turnarounds <br />1,00 Bus, Shelters <br />Bus Stop Signage/Information <br />IM AIM <br />Major Capital Improvements <br />The follovving majoir capital improvements are recommendieid based on, the evaluation described in <br />Chapter 4. M of' those improvements place special emphasis on providing preference for <br />Multioccupancy vehicles and strengthening transit servim, as proposed in the Vision section. of this <br />report., <br />w <br />