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Z4 <br />Paul 1-94 East <br />1 is corridor from downtown, St. Paul to the <br />An NOV la,ne conversion should be *lmplemen,t,cd 'n th, <br />WO a 0i a Bi <br />isconsin border. Th* to be done in conjunction wit <br />is conversion is, M the reconstruction of the <br />fre.eway between McKnight Road, and TH 120 to provide three continuous lanes in each direction, <br />o would become an HOVIanep <br />Special HOV access should be provided, to the greatest extent possible, at the two major traffic <br />* I IN 41 <br />generators, I I n the com I aon: downtown St., Paul and the 3M Center. <br />11111111 11= <br />1131MITI-T7.10, P I Ili I 1 6. 0 <br />*An HOV lane conveirsloWa d t uld be, mplemented this corridor from downt <br />I I d i ion s,ho I in 01 <br />Minneapolis to, Rogers. Tbis 'improvement should, be, carried out in three stages: <br />a <br />The firsit stage, should include the variousi 1992 Team Transit projects described in the <br />0, <br />Low-Capital Improvements, section, shoul,dier bus lanes at the 3rd/4th Streets <br />r <br />mmps and on T.,H'., 252, north of i-694/1-94 interchange and other minor turning- <br />c-novement improvements). 61 <br />The second stage should include an HOV lane conversion between downtown <br />Minneapolis and the 1-694i "interchange,, provided that Mn/DOT resiolves the <br />operational o'sues, identified in Chapter, 4. <br />The third stage should *include the winversion/addition, of HOV lanes from, the 1-694 <br />0 <br />interchange to Rogers, provided, that successful finplementation of the first two stages <br />I <br />Justifies this third phase as a, cost-effectiVe investment. <br />1494 (from 34th Avenue to Je394) <br />An HOV lane addition ffied Mi the d,riaift EIS process currently under way, should be <br />as descn <br />implemented in this, corridor. Right-of-way should be reserved, in, the median for future, capacity <br />0 <br />expansion, if needed. <br />I <br />, Central CorAdori (from downtown, MinneepDlis tDidowntiown Sit. Paul) <br />A Liaht Rail Transit (LBM line, on a surface alignment, should be implemented in thn* com*dor. <br />Issues regarding t 9, fundffig and governance are, discussed in Chapter 6* <br />i &11 U V 1=1 <br />I q V 0 <br />Tbe LRT-Wus-Lam -Conversion alternative descr' <br />0 lima in the Draft EIS process under way should be <br />implemented, i this, comidor. Implementation asues ti discussed M' Chapter <br />TeHo 36 <br />Over the next five Years, Mn/DOT should evialuaLe thei future -caivacitv needs in tni i si com I dor. If' new <br />lanes are to be added, these, should be HOVlanesy <br />Me <br />