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AGREEMENT BE EN <br />RAMSIEY COUNTY AND <br />FOR A SC01RE FUNDING RECYCLING GRANT <br />This Agreement 'i's made- this day, o f 1992, betwee <br />Kamsey County th,riou,gh the Public Health Department the "Countyll <br />,and ( the "Muni-icipality")e I <br />WIT NESSETH6 0 <br />1 <br />WHEREAS, W, has, established policlies, and plans supporting <br />curbside riecycl,ing as part of an overall waste abatement program, 49tni), <br />a <br />WHEREAS, The Munic,ipality supportis clurbside recycling and has <br />0 <br />ellstabilil'shed a, mechanism for long term funding of a recycling program <br />slerving residents of the Municipality which includes curbside <br />clollection, of relcyclablies; and <br />I <br />WHEREAS, The County will be collecting, funding for recycling programs <br />friom the State of Minnesota which, in part, provide for the funding of <br />recyciling, services; and <br />0 <br />WHEREAS,, The,, Municipality has established an in-house recycling <br />program pursuant to Minn. State 115A*1511* and <br />r <br />WHEREAS1,1r, The Municipality ha,s requested funds from the County to <br />I <br />support, 'its Munilcipality'si recycling, program; <br />a,e Reimbursement <br />