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51. R,e imburseiment wl"11 be made according to the f ollowing <br />,*I <br />scheidule,* <br />For-the period ofe., R,e ii sement will occur af ter: <br />2. The quarterly rieports shall be submitted on f orms provided by <br />the County <br />0 <br />The Muni'clipal ity shall be required to submit, 'if requested by the <br />County an' aud ited financial report to the Ramsey County Budget <br />a ing Of ficle The report shall, show how f unds receiveci <br />friom, Ramsiey County were disbursed. <br />2 TERM <br />The term of this, agrelement, shall be from January 1. 1992 through <br />December 31, 119191211 the date of slignatures notwithstanding. <br />